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【軟體名稱】:Serv-U File Server v11.1.0.5
【檔案大小】:16.37 MB
它具有非常完備的安全特性,支持SSl FTP傳輸,支持在多個Serv-U和FTP客戶端通過SSL加密連接保護您的數據安全等。
Serv-U 是目前眾多的FTP 伺服器軟件之一。
通過使用Serv-U,用戶能夠將任何一台PC 設置成一個FTP 伺服器,這樣,用戶或其他使用者就能夠使用FTP 協議,通過在同一網絡上的任何一台PC與FTP 伺服器連接,進行文件或目錄的複製,移動,創建,和刪除等。這裡提到的FTP 協議是專門被用來規定計算機之間進行文件傳輸的標準和規則,正是因為有了象FTP 這樣的專門協議,才使得人們能夠通過不同類型的計算機,使用不同類型的操作系統,對不同類型的文件進行相互傳遞。
雖然目前FTP 伺服器端的軟件種類繁多,相互之間各有優勢,但是Serv-U 憑藉其獨特的功能得以展露頭腳。具體來說Serv-U 能夠提供以下功能:
★符合windows 標準的用戶界面友好親切,易於掌握。
★支持實時的多用戶連接,支持匿名用戶的訪問;通過限制同一時間最大的用戶訪問人數確保PC 的正常運轉。
★可以基於IP 對用戶授予或拒絕訪問權限。
★支持擁有多個IP 地址的多宿主站點。
★能夠設置上傳和下載的比率,硬盤空間配額,網絡使用帶寬等,從而能夠保證用戶有限的資源不被大量的FTP 訪問用戶所消耗。
★可自用設置在用戶登錄或退出時的顯示信息,支持具有UNIX 風格的外部鏈接。
Serv-U was released December 5, 2011. A complete list of changes and upgrades follows:
Bug Fixes:
* Corrected a security issue where it was possible to see directories, create directories, and download files above a user's root directory (Secunia SA47021; discovered by kingcope). This security error has been in Serv-U since Serv-U version 1.0.
* Corrected a bug where end-users could delete their home directory.
* Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) upload transfer rate bug where the domain, user, and group active transfer statistics were incorrect.
* Corrected a move file bug where the new parent directory's permissions were being checked when the new directory was different from the original.
* Corrected a bug where PASV listen sockets would remain open until after they were no longer needed. This could cause some systems to use too much memory or eventually fail to accept FTP data connections.
* Corrected a bug when creating a new domain, the domain would not go "on-line". Firing startup events, writing to the log, and starting statistics would not occur unless the domain was manually disabled then enabled or Serv-U was restarted.
* Corrected a bug where Serv-U did not properly verify that upgrade protection is valid for a new version being installed on Windows Vista or newer.
* Corrected a Management Console bug where button icons were misplaced when using a Firefox browser on a Linux OS.
* Corrected a bug in the Web Client where file and directory names containing ampersands could not be moved using drag and drop.
* Corrected a Management Console bug where combo box drop-down lists would persist when the containing dialog was closed while the combo box drop-down list was still active.
* Corrected a Mobile Web Client bug where navigating to directories with certain characters in the name would result in an error.
Serv-U File Server v11.1.0.5
Serv-U File Server v11.1.0.5
Serv-U File Server v11.1.0.5