We have new BIOS releases for the P8P67 Deluxe, P8P67 Pro and Maximus IV Extreme boards today. Forgive me for using an outside service as we do not have these BIOS' uploaded to our FTP yet, but I wanted to make sure they were available ASAP. Additional BIOS releases for the balance of our P67/H67 product lineup will be released shortly.
P8P67 Deluxe and Pro -
Change Log -
- Removes full reset at POST (double post) on cold boot or auto overclocking routine.
- Improved OC performance using Multipliers or Auto Overclocking
- Improved BCLK and DRAM OC capabilities when enabling the “Internal PLL Overvoltage” option in BIOS.
- Minor Bug Fixes
Maximus IV Extreme -
Change Log -
- Improved OC performance using Multipliers or Auto Overclocking
- Improved BCLK and DRAM OC capabilities when enabling the “Internal PLL Overvoltage” option in BIOS.
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Firmware Upgrade of iROG Chipset