[06:52:24] Completed 1375000 out of 2500000 steps (55 percent)
[07:24:01] Writing local files
[07:24:01] Completed 1400000 out of 2500000 steps (56 percent)
[07:28:49] Warning: long 1-4 interactions
[07:28:49] Quit 101 - NaN detected: (ener[20])
[07:28:49] Simulation instability has been encountered. The run has entered a
[07:28:49] state from which no further progress can be made.
[07:28:49] This may be the correct result of the simulation, however if you
[07:28:49] often see other project units terminating early like this
[07:28:49] too, you may wish to check the stability of your computer (issues
[07:28:49] such as high temperature, overclocking, etc.).
[07:28:49] Going to send back what have done.
[07:28:49] logfile size: 43629
[07:28:49] - Writing 44179 bytes of core data to disk...
[07:28:49] ... Done.