T ttc_pco 初級會員 已加入 3/27/06 訊息 41 互動分數 0 點數 0 5/16/06 #43 非常好用. 只是我殺了一堆"重複檔案"後. 開機.關機都有"警語" 重給它"XP"後. 續來下載~其餘功能皆敢亂砍唷. 唯"重複檔案"給它定住. 謝謝~~
A authenticamd 榮譽會員 已加入 11/3/05 訊息 1,919 互動分數 2 點數 38 6/9/06 #47 Will this software backup the registry before clean it up? It would be very dangerous to just clean things inside of registry w/o back it up first.
Will this software backup the registry before clean it up? It would be very dangerous to just clean things inside of registry w/o back it up first.