【軟體名稱】:Paragon Alignment Tool 3.0.13045
【檔案大小】:75/16 MB
Paragon Alignment Tool helps align partitions on physical and virtual disks according to internal device's geometry to boost performance of disk subsystem up to 3 times.
這個軟體適用於AFT先進格式的硬碟(如WD的EARS系列)以及SSD、SSD RAID、甚至是VMware Server下的VMFS虛擬硬碟volume、或企業SAN/RAID的環境,不過對齊分割區固然會有效能增進,但是對於網頁提到的"300%的效能增進",還是不要過度期待、當作廣告看看就好,畢竟這是在某些特定情況下才能達到的增進。對於SSD使用者來說,更該注意的可能是第二點:對齊分割區減少無謂SSD額外寫入後所帶來的壽命延長,但是同樣的,"三倍壽命"這件事情,個人還是持高度保留態度,畢竟每個人使用習性不同,只要知道無謂的SSD額外寫入可以藉由對齊分割區來避免、進而不要縮短SSD原本該有的壽命就好。
Why Paragon Alignment Tool 3.0?
* The only tool that aligns partitions in a single operation
* Guarantees safety for the on-disk system and data
* Boosts performance of disk subsystems up to 3 times
* Significantly increases endurance of SSD drives
* Aligns partitions inside virtual containers and the host
* Aligns partitions on ultra high-capacity 4K hard disks
What's new in 3.0 version?
* Faster alignment engine,
* Support of USB 3.0 devices,
* Availability to tune alignment operation behavior,
* Automated restart of alignment in case of emergency.