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【軟體名稱】:O&O Defrag v12.0.197 Pro & Server Edition
【檔案大小】: MB
【檔案類型】:7z壓縮檔【WinRAR v3.90 繁體中文正式版 (32bit + 64bit + Protable)】

O&O Defrag是一款專為 Windows 2000 / XP / Server2003 / Vista / Server2008 / 7 開發的硬碟工具,可以適用於工作站、伺服器和高級伺服器等各種版本,支持幾乎所有的文件系統,包含FAT16、FAT32、NTFS、NTFS5、FS(加密文件系統) 等,是一款不可多得的好工具。
O&O Defrag 除了重組能力可靠之外,並提供有多項重組演算法供使用者選擇。
O&O Defrag的界面佈局採用的也是Ribbon風格,和PerfectDisk很相似,功能界面的簡化,使得用戶上手應該會更容易一些。
O&O Defrag設定功能較之前的版本進一步簡化,軟體的智慧程度得到了不少的改進,在完成對硬碟的檢測及整理後,會給出詳細的報表,以供我們參考,及時瞭解硬碟情況。
Defragmentation Execution項目裡點選Sequential
O&O Defrag v12.0.197 New and overhauled functions:
Zone Filing: Certain data, like system files, are accessed very regularly by users. In order to improve the access time, O&O Defrag 12 analyzes the data during the first defragmentation, and then "files" them according to purpose and access regularity in three different "Zones". System files, for example, are filed in the first Zone, user data and settings, are filed in the second Zone, enabling them to be accessed much quicker. Windows can also start much quicker. O&O Defrag 12 files very large files, or ones rarely used, in the third Zone. They then fragment less, reducing time required for future jobs. The user can then sort further files into the Zones and select an optimal method for each drive.
New defragmentation methods: It is specifically for Zone Filing that O&O has developed three new defrag methods in Version 12 (OPTIMIZE, OPTIMIZE/QUICK and OPTIMIZE/COMPLETE), that not only organize files but - in combination with the existing methods - massively reduce the level of fragmentation: OPTIMIZE uses a SPACE defrag method to organize files in the three zones so that remaining free disk space sits together as one.
OPTIMIZE/QUICK defragments at great speed using the bare minimum of memory. All files are also sorted into the correct Zones.
OPTIMIZE/COMPLETE is recommended, like the existing COMPLETE method, when all files need to be reorganized on the hard disk.
In addition to the existing five methods, the new methods serve to hugely speed up defragmentation jobs and ensure users files are correctly placed for optimal access. By deactivating Zone Filing, the user can then simply select one of the old methods for optimized future defrag success.
Advanced Background Monitoring: Up until now, the background monitoring was used to monitor the whole system. With O&O Defrag 12, the user can now also select individual drives in order to monitor and optimize their level of fragmentation.
Netbooks and Notebooks: O&O Defrag was also the first such tool worldwide to incorporate functions aimed specifically at Netbook and Notebook users. As soon as such machines are no longer connected to the mains, the defragmentation is interrupted in order to conserve battery life and duration.
