Folding@Home Windows SMP Client V1.01
有裝了Affinity Changer 1.0.5 版
執行 install.bat, 然後在執行檔
Folding@home-Win32-x86.exe (可重新命名為 FAH.exe 即可) 建立捷徑, 加上 -configonly 參數先做設定
********** 設定如下 ********** (和 5.91 相同的部分不另外說明)
User name [Anonymous]? 您的大名
Team Number [0]? 133977
Passkey []? 沒有, 按 Enter 繼續
Ask before fetching/sending work <no/yes> [no]? no
Use proxy <yes/no> [no]? <依照你的網路設定>
Acceptable size of work assignment and work result packets <bigger units may have large memory demands> -- 'small' is <5MB, 'normal' is <10MB, and 'big' is >10MB <small/normal/big> [normal]? 選 big
Change advanced options <yes/no> [no]? 一般來講到這裡就不用在設定了, 如果跑兩個 FAH 或是想要調整 CPU 使用率或是配置內建參數 請選 yes
Launch automatically, install as a service in this directory <yes/no> [no]? no, 以後再補上設定系統服務的教學
Core Priority <idle/low> [idle]? idle
CPU usage requested <5-100> [100]? 100
Disable highly optimized assembly code <no/yes> [no]? no
Pause if battery power is being used <useful for laptops> <no/yes> [no]? no
Interval, in minutes, between checkpoints <3-30> [15]? 15
Memory, in MB, to indicate <xxxx available> [xxxx]? 輸入 xxxx
Set -advmethods flag always, requesting new advanced scientific core/or work units if available <no/yes> [no]? no
Ignore any deadline information <mainly useful if system clock frequently has errors> <no/yes> [no]? no
Machine ID <1-16> [1]? 1
The following options require you to restart the client before they take effect
Disable CPU affinity lock <no/yes> [no]? no, 新版本會自動鎖定核心作運算, 不過我仍習慣使用 affinity changer
Additional client parameters []? 請輸入 -smp 不然的話它只會跑單核, 還有起它的參數也可以在這裡設定
IP address to bind core to <for viewer> []? 不懂事作啥的 Enter
********** 設定完畢 **********
至於參數的部份 請看
-config 更改客戶端設定.設定完後繼續開始摺疊運算
-configonly 和上面參數一樣.差別是它一但設定完就會離開主程式
-delete x 刪除指定的WU.通常主程式會自動刪除已損毀的WU.此參數並不常用
-license 顯示使用者使用同意書
-queueinfo 顯示排隊中的WU訊息.不常用
-send x 傳送指定的WU回次服器.基本上也用不到.
-verbosity x
Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3. This option should be used if the user wishes to see more detailed client output, particularly useful if there is a problem which needs to be reported to the F@H client development team.(用不到)
-oneunit 指令當完成一個WU立即關閉主程式 (常會用到)
-forceasm 指令核心運用 SSE/3DNow 來做運算.有超頻的 CPU 建議使用此參數,我有發現比較穩定些
Use configuration files from local directory. This option has no meaning on Linux, but is vital on Windows and Macintosh for running multiple clients on a machine. It instructs the client to read its config information from the client.cfg file in the current directory rather than, on Windows, from the installation directory specified in the registry, or, on Macintosh, the Library/Folding@home directory. Information such as the user name, team name, proxy information, machine ID are maintained in the client.cfg file. The flag ensures that work does not conflict. Use "-local" only if you are planning on running more than one instance of Folding@Home on the same machine (this is only useful if you are running on a multi-processor machine). Create as many directories as there are processors on the machine, copy the exe files and client.cfg file into each of these directories, run "FAH3Console -local -config" on each and specify unique machine IDs for each directory (under the Advanced Settings option). From then onwards you may run each copy by switching to its directory and running with the -local flag. 反正同時執行兩個以上的 FAH 都要加上此參數
-help 列印相關可使用的參數並離開程式
基本上 只跑依各SMP 就讓4核心CPU滿儎了 這是我用Q66下去跑的感覺
不知道其他版友 是都開3個SMP+1各GPU下去跑嗎?