Note: Please read the license agreement (Folding@home-Win32-x86.exe -license). F
use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.
4 cores detected
job aborted:
process: node: exit code[: error message]
0: MINIHIS001: -1: Unable to establish a secure connection to host 'MINIHIS001'
for rank 0 using user account 'MINIHIS001\Minihis001'
Error: get_user_handle failed, error 1327: 登入失敗: 使用者帳戶限制。可能的原因
1: MINIHIS001: -1: Unable to establish a secure connection to host 'MINIHIS001'
for rank 1 using user account 'MINIHIS001\Minihis001'
Error: get_user_handle failed, error 1327: 登入失敗: 使用者帳戶限制。可能的原因
[11:19:11] Error running mpiexec. Please check your configuration and re-run in
stall.bat if necessary