雙 6Pin 改為單 6Pin是非公版的9800GTX+??所有公版的9800GTX+都是需要兩條PCI-E 6PIN 的接頭??
Check this out, EVGA 512-P3-N879-AR GeForce 9800 GTX+
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130416&Tpk=EVGA 512-P3-N879-AR
http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=86371 文章類似的結論:只需一條12V/24A的比較可能是B1的55nm製程的公版9800GTX+。其中一位newegg user EggAddict(參見以下的節錄)已拆蓋確認過EVGA 512-P3-N879-AR GeForce 9800 GTX+是使用B1版G92 GPU核心晶片!至於麗台9800GTX+ Limited,我的B1版訊息來自於麗台技術服務部門,我沒有親自掀開蓋版來確認。
+++++ 以下節錄自Newegg +++++
from EggAddict on EVGA 512-P3-N879-AR GeForce 9800 GTX+ at 1/12/2009 8:35:40 AM
Tech Level: high
Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
Pros: - 55nm core
- Single power connector (6-pin PCI-E)
- Short card, measures 9.5"
- Exhausts outside case
- EVGA lifetime
Cons: - Nibitor cannot identify the card so no BIOS overclock
Other Thoughts: I took this card apart day one to verify core, it's a B1 55nm chip. Overclocking so far is up to 830 core, 2300 memory. The shader doesn't go much farther than 1900. The fan speed ramps up automatically to keep this card near 60C. The board design of this card looks to be an improvement on the original GTX+ which was just a GTX with new core. They took out a lot of length and all the power reg is aligned neatly. Unfortunately the power connector looks like an afterthought, sticking out a bit beyond the card edge. Thats not going to interfere with anything, just looks weird.