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【軟體名稱】:DSL 網路最佳化工具 cFosSpeed v6.61 Build 1884 Beta 多國語言版
【運行環境】:Windows All(32 & 64 bit)
【檔案大小】:5.1 MB
cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping.Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping.
You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection.cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc.
cFosSpeed是一款具有很多功能DSL modem和路由器驅動軟件,可以充分使用你的ISDN和DSL連接。
cFosSpeed很多人在使用 P2P軟體或MSN傳檔時,常會感覺到網頁開啟速度變慢了,這是因為ADSL本身規格的因素,在上傳滿載時會拖慢下載速度。如果你也有這樣的困擾,就試試 cFosSpeed來幫你解決問題吧!很多人可能不知道,因為本身規格的因素,ADSL在上傳檔案達到滿載時會拖慢下載速度,導致網頁開啟速度變慢,甚至是無法開啟,特別是使用eDonkey、eMule 或 BT 這類軟體時感覺會特別明顯,上傳滿載下傳卻像龜爬,該怎麼辦呢?試試cFosSpeed吧,它獨特的「Traffic Shaping」技術可以解決這個問題!「Traffic Shaping」技術是一種網路封包排程技術,它會在ADSL上傳速度達到滿載時強迫系統調整頻寬,使用者可以自行調整程式的網路優先權,讓擁有高優先權的程式封包(例如瀏覽器、網路遊戲……等自己常用的程式),能擠進已被佔滿的傳輸頻寬中,以保持其連線通暢。如此一來,當使用者利用BT軟體同時上傳與下載檔案時,就不用怕上傳速度達到滿載而拖慢下載速度,可以正常地瀏覽網頁或玩遊戲了
-高級Traffic Shaping (通信量調整功能);
-用於DSL 調制解調器和路由器;
-與通用的 PPPoE 驅動器兼容;
-應答遊戲以及例如 eMule,Kazaa 等的對等網絡;
* New feature
+ Improvement
! Software change requires modification of your configuration
x Bugfix
- Information only
cFosSpeed 6.61 build 1884
! The -weight class parameter that is specified in the default settings does
now specify the weight of all rx-streams in a class and no longer the weight
of a single stream. This helps to keep fast sending streams of low priority
(like P2P) slower and higher prio streams faster. A exacter regulation is
still in development.
+ Added -delay parameter for classes. With this you can make sure packets in
that class are sent only after a minimum delay time in the queue. That is,
-delay cann add some ADDITIONAL delay for packets. By default, all delays
are set to 0, i.e. no additional delays are introduced.
+ Added -class filter expression. This allows filtering after the class of a
TCP stream, i.e. you could use the filter "-tx -higher -class lower -c lower"
to filter out all TCP ACKs of streams that are classified as lower.
cFosSpeed v6.61 Build 1884 Beta 多國語言版
cFosSpeed v6.61 Build 1884 Beta 多國語言版
cFosSpeed v6.61 Build 1884 Beta 多國語言版