隨便你, 人是沒有簽, 我都沒有, 可是生產商有, 我可不想貪一時之快連累生產商要罰款, okay?
"你可以說 阿台兄這樣不好吧 NDA還沒解!" <---不對, 這個不用人提醒的, 只會是明知固犯
同樣地, 也沒有必要早6個小時PO.
I have to sleep now, good night.
拜拖一下, 本來不想回你, 但是看你越寫越誇張, 還是出來澄清一下好了, 如果你有簽NDA, 我相信你看的懂NDA上面的資料, 如果你看不懂, 我貼給你看
Launch Guidelines for ATI RADEON 1950Pro and Products
To ensure the maximum impact of the upcoming ATI RADEON 1950 Pro (RV570) launch, please strictly observe the confidentiality of all related information. Information, which is embargoed until Oct 17, 2006 @ 6:am Eastern Standard Time (Oct 17, 2006 @ 6:00pm Taipei Time), includes but not limited to:
台灣時間是晚上六點解禁, 所有廠商在台灣當地六點就可以公怖任何資料, 所以我並沒有犯法