真的不懂得發生什么事! http://funnyvc.blogspot.com/2008/05/blog-post_2388.html
L lamtikon11 進階會員 已加入 4/12/08 訊息 207 互動分數 0 點數 0 5/20/08 #1 真的不懂得發生什么事! http://funnyvc.blogspot.com/2008/05/blog-post_2388.html
J jsung 普通會員 已加入 5/29/08 訊息 1 互動分數 0 點數 0 5/29/08 #8 what a piece of shit... fuck man if i were there i see that... i will fucking murder that woman hitting piece of midget shit... like fucking beat him down and take off his pants to take a pic of his baby dick... what a penis shit
what a piece of shit... fuck man if i were there i see that... i will fucking murder that woman hitting piece of midget shit... like fucking beat him down and take off his pants to take a pic of his baby dick... what a penis shit
浩雲 榮譽會員 已加入 5/2/05 訊息 1,186 互動分數 0 點數 0 5/29/08 #9 bimotadb2 說: 2008奧運不知道他有沒有參加 按一下展開…… 有參加也打不過朱木炎 不過打女人 真是畜生;ng;