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【檔案名稱】:Your Uninstaller!Pro v7.3.2011.04 強力卸載工具 [含安裝版+Portable 免安裝版]
【上傳空間】:Wupload/Easy Share/Filesonic/FreakShare
Your Uninstaller! PRO 2011 是一款非常強大的軟體移除工具,可以列出軟體的詳細資料,並允許你自由的編輯它們,可以自動識別解除後遺留的檔案,以便你完全的把軟體從你的電腦中移除。還支援拖拉功能。完全可以替代windows原有的的增加/解除安裝程式。另外新增啟動程序管理功能,可以方便的管理隨電腦啟動而自動執行的程式。新增 IE 功能表管理功能,利用這個功能你能提高電腦的操作效率。
1.執行Your Uninstaller! 2011 ,找到想移除的軟體,只要在用滑鼠左鍵上面點兩下,即開始移除步驟。(反紅色的部分,為最近安裝的軟體。
2.或是您也可以在未執行Your Uninstaller! 2011 的情況下,從任何地方利用滑鼠拖曳您想移除的軟體到Your Uninstaller! 2011 的ICON上面,即開始移除步驟。
3.從桌面、快捷列、資料夾內任何地方,在想移除的軟體的ICON上按右鍵,會出現『Uninstall with YourUninstaller!』的選項,點下去即開始移除步驟。
您的軟體移除工具,完全取代 Windows 內建的控制台「新增/移除程式」功能,並內建「啟動」管理功能。軟體介面清新整潔,可以用大圖示、小圖示、詳細清單顯示安裝項目,以滑鼠點兩下圖示或使用滑鼠右鍵來移除軟體
(1) 如果是最新安裝的軟體,其圖示會以紅色底圖來強調顯示,是一項體貼的功能設計!
(2) 軟體移除後會自動檢查資料夾是否有殘留檔案,能將檔案完全移除
What's New in this version:
We are proud to announce the release of Your Uninstaller! , the award winning uninstaller product on the market. Keeping all the features of previous features, Your Uninstaller! comes with more amazing features.
Windows 7 Support
Your Uninstaller! now fully supports Microsoft new operation system : Windows 7, it runs smoothly with all Windows 7 new features: UAC, Task Bar, Window Preview and more.
64 Bit Platform Support
Using a single EXE, Your Uninstaller! supports both 64 bit and 32 bit programs. The first uninstaller works on Windows 7 x64, all other uninstaller only works in 32 bit mode till today.
Core Level Optimization
We rewrite huge amount of code to change the behavior Your Uninstaller!, so it acts more stable and reliable with 30% increased performance.
Re-designed User Interface
The new interface makes it more convenient and easier to navigate through various utilities. We have reduced the clicks to complete an action to less than 3.
New Hunter Mode
An exciting feature of Your Uninstaller! is the "Hunter Mode", it is from our "Drag & Uninstall" technology and it's more more powerful. Just drag to any icon on the desktop, window or task bar icons and you will be able to fully control the program.
Quick Uninstall Mode
A new uninstall mode is added to Your Uninstaller! for saving time. Quick Uninstall mode works on all Microsoft Installer based programs and with only one click, the unwanted program goes away.
Different Scan Levels
We supplied different scan levels for different circumstances, from "Safe" to "Supper", you will find one level right for you.
We can not list all new features of Your Uninstaller, you can download a free trial here and start using this advanced uninstall tool right now:
· 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors
· 30 MB free disk space
· 133 MHz Intel Pentium or AMD K5 processor
· 64 MB RAM
· Internet access
下載地址: (等待5秒再按下右上的Skip AD就可到下載頁)
Easy Share載點
可用JDownloader下載 (等待5秒再按下右上的Skip AD就可到下載頁)
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[更新]WinRAR 4.0.1 Pro 32bit&64bit
4.0.1載點 || 4.0.1後備載點
7zip 免安裝版
7zip載點 || 7zip後備載點
【上傳空間】:Wupload/Easy Share/Filesonic/FreakShare
Your Uninstaller! PRO 2011 是一款非常強大的軟體移除工具,可以列出軟體的詳細資料,並允許你自由的編輯它們,可以自動識別解除後遺留的檔案,以便你完全的把軟體從你的電腦中移除。還支援拖拉功能。完全可以替代windows原有的的增加/解除安裝程式。另外新增啟動程序管理功能,可以方便的管理隨電腦啟動而自動執行的程式。新增 IE 功能表管理功能,利用這個功能你能提高電腦的操作效率。
1.執行Your Uninstaller! 2011 ,找到想移除的軟體,只要在用滑鼠左鍵上面點兩下,即開始移除步驟。(反紅色的部分,為最近安裝的軟體。
2.或是您也可以在未執行Your Uninstaller! 2011 的情況下,從任何地方利用滑鼠拖曳您想移除的軟體到Your Uninstaller! 2011 的ICON上面,即開始移除步驟。
3.從桌面、快捷列、資料夾內任何地方,在想移除的軟體的ICON上按右鍵,會出現『Uninstall with YourUninstaller!』的選項,點下去即開始移除步驟。
您的軟體移除工具,完全取代 Windows 內建的控制台「新增/移除程式」功能,並內建「啟動」管理功能。軟體介面清新整潔,可以用大圖示、小圖示、詳細清單顯示安裝項目,以滑鼠點兩下圖示或使用滑鼠右鍵來移除軟體
(1) 如果是最新安裝的軟體,其圖示會以紅色底圖來強調顯示,是一項體貼的功能設計!
(2) 軟體移除後會自動檢查資料夾是否有殘留檔案,能將檔案完全移除
What's New in this version:
We are proud to announce the release of Your Uninstaller! , the award winning uninstaller product on the market. Keeping all the features of previous features, Your Uninstaller! comes with more amazing features.
Windows 7 Support
Your Uninstaller! now fully supports Microsoft new operation system : Windows 7, it runs smoothly with all Windows 7 new features: UAC, Task Bar, Window Preview and more.
64 Bit Platform Support
Using a single EXE, Your Uninstaller! supports both 64 bit and 32 bit programs. The first uninstaller works on Windows 7 x64, all other uninstaller only works in 32 bit mode till today.
Core Level Optimization
We rewrite huge amount of code to change the behavior Your Uninstaller!, so it acts more stable and reliable with 30% increased performance.
Re-designed User Interface
The new interface makes it more convenient and easier to navigate through various utilities. We have reduced the clicks to complete an action to less than 3.
New Hunter Mode
An exciting feature of Your Uninstaller! is the "Hunter Mode", it is from our "Drag & Uninstall" technology and it's more more powerful. Just drag to any icon on the desktop, window or task bar icons and you will be able to fully control the program.
Quick Uninstall Mode
A new uninstall mode is added to Your Uninstaller! for saving time. Quick Uninstall mode works on all Microsoft Installer based programs and with only one click, the unwanted program goes away.
Different Scan Levels
We supplied different scan levels for different circumstances, from "Safe" to "Supper", you will find one level right for you.
We can not list all new features of Your Uninstaller, you can download a free trial here and start using this advanced uninstall tool right now:
· 800x600 screen resolution with 256 colors
· 30 MB free disk space
· 133 MHz Intel Pentium or AMD K5 processor
· 64 MB RAM
· Internet access
下載地址: (等待5秒再按下右上的Skip AD就可到下載頁)
Easy Share載點
可用JDownloader下載 (等待5秒再按下右上的Skip AD就可到下載頁)
JDownloader載點 || JDownloader後備載點
[更新]WinRAR 4.0.1 Pro 32bit&64bit
4.0.1載點 || 4.0.1後備載點
7zip 免安裝版
7zip載點 || 7zip後備載點