Yes it is the D975XBXLKR, but you should at least wait for the 0304 revision to get conroe support.
Overclocking is limited to 30% unless you have an XE og ES chip with adjustable multiplier, or you are able to change the default fsb to a higher one. The bios is a rather different layout than say Asus, but once gotten used to it's fine.
Vcore is 1.600V max, Vddr is 2.200V max, so that's a bit low for an enthusiast motherboard. Also fs, nb and ich voltages are not as high as on Asus.
With all 4 memory slots filled, the board boots @ 345 Mhz fsb (max available with a 1066 Mhz fsb chip) just fine with some chipset voltage increases. With Glockgen, I can get to 358 Mhz fsb on stock passive NB cooling. So it's not quite as overclocking friendly as the Asus P5WD2 series, but IMO it is a lot easier to deal with. You may not set record scores with it, but you'll get really solid (and trouble free) everyday performance.