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【軟體名稱】:DSL 網路最佳化工具 cFosSpeed v7.00 Build 1901 Final 多國語言版
【運行環境】:Windows All(32 & 64 bit)
【檔案大小】:5.1 MB
cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping.Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping.
You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection.cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc.
cFosSpeed是一款具有很多功能DSL modem和路由器驅動軟件,可以充分使用你的ISDN和DSL連接。
cFosSpeed很多人在使用 P2P軟體或MSN傳檔時,常會感覺到網頁開啟速度變慢了,這是因為ADSL本身規格的因素,在上傳滿載時會拖慢下載速度。如果你也有這樣的困擾,就試試 cFosSpeed來幫你解決問題吧!很多人可能不知道,因為本身規格的因素,ADSL在上傳檔案達到滿載時會拖慢下載速度,導致網頁開啟速度變慢,甚至是無法開啟,特別是使用eDonkey、eMule 或 BT 這類軟體時感覺會特別明顯,上傳滿載下傳卻像龜爬,該怎麼辦呢?試試cFosSpeed吧,它獨特的「Traffic Shaping」技術可以解決這個問題!「Traffic Shaping」技術是一種網路封包排程技術,它會在ADSL上傳速度達到滿載時強迫系統調整頻寬,使用者可以自行調整程式的網路優先權,讓擁有高優先權的程式封包(例如瀏覽器、網路遊戲……等自己常用的程式),能擠進已被佔滿的傳輸頻寬中,以保持其連線通暢。如此一來,當使用者利用BT軟體同時上傳與下載檔案時,就不用怕上傳速度達到滿載而拖慢下載速度,可以正常地瀏覽網頁或玩遊戲了
-高級Traffic Shaping (通信量調整功能);
-用於DSL 調制解調器和路由器;
-與通用的 PPPoE 驅動器兼容;
-應答遊戲以及例如 eMule,Kazaa 等的對等網絡;
* New feature
+ Improvement
! Software change requires modification of your configuration
x Bugfix
- Information only
cFosSpeed 7.00 build 1901
* Added manual priorisation for connections, i.e. you can set connections
to a desired class based on their addresses, l7-protocols or programs.
Use the "spd prio" (or prioritize or prioritise) command to set the prio
on the command line:
Help says:
prioritise tcp
prioritise udp
prioritise prot
prioritise prog
, , and may contain '?' and '*' wildcards.
prioritise tcp default
prioritise udp* high
prioritise prot *BULK low
prioritise prog utorrent.exe lowest
An upcoming version will have a GUI to set priorities.
* cFosSpeed now has class delay management: this regulates the delay of each
traffic class (which is user configurable) based on the amount of traffic
in the class in comparison to other classes.
Example: if you have a lot of traffic in your 'low' class and your 'high'
class traffic doesn't get enough bandwidth, cFosSpeed will introduce some
delay for the 'low' class, so it sends less rapidly and your 'high' class
streams get some additional performance.
This should greatly help heavy downloaders like torrent users.
* cFosSpeed will now actively slow down the rx-speed of download streams if
they are prioritised lower than other streams which run at the same time.
In other words: if you are watching a video stream in your brower (high
prio) and downloading at the same time (low prio), cFosSpeed will slow down
the downloads to make sure you get enough bandwidth for the the video.
But if the video is stopped, all bandwidth is again available for the
This can be switched off by "spd gset throttle_fast 0". Default is on.
"spd classes" and "spd cons -wquot" et al. show a column named "wquot",
which is a quotient that shows how fast a stream resp. class is in
comparision to how fast it should be. E.g. a quotient of 1.00 means
perfect, 1.5 means 50% too fast, 0.8 means 20% too slow.
! To comply with the Windows design guides, cFosSpeed now stores all global
and Traffic Shaping related data in \ProgramData\cFos\cFosSpeed directory.
All user specific data, like selected language and skins, are stored in
! The -weight class parameter that is specified in the default settings does
now specify the weight of all rx-streams in a class and no longer the weight
of a single stream. This helps to keep fast sending streams of low priority
(like P2P) slower and higher prio streams faster. A exacter regulation is
still in development.
* Added On-the-fly prioritization. The "current connections" dialog now
has the option to prioritize a connection, protocol or program temporary
or easily add it to the prioritization scheme. Just click on a connection
to change its priority. In many cases it will be easier to use this dialog
than the normal program and protocol prioritization dialogs. So, for example,
while you work/play on your computer and notice a certain connection uses
too much bandwidth, you can click it and reduce its priority without changing
the general prioritization system.
+ You can now undo the change of priority by using a "spd prio none"
command (i.e. by specifying a command with the class name "none"). The class
is then reset to the value before the setting.
Only classes that are no longer 'idle' or 'working' can be changed in their
priority. Otherwise, they are not in use anyway, since 'idle' or 'working'
are only set on fresh connections were the priority could not yet been
+ Added filter expression -manual. It's true for packets on connections that
have been manually changed in their priority.
+ The "spd perf" setting is now automatically saved.
+ Added Indonesian & British English language. That makes a total of 32
languages supported. Even more languages are downloadable from our web site,
here: http://www.cfos.de/speed/documentation/lang.htm
+ The L7 detector now recognizes Bittorrent uTP.
+ -class rule works now for UDP connections as well.
+ "spd classes" command shows stats for all classes in table form.
+ Added -delay parameter for classes. With this you can make sure packets in
that class are sent only after a minimum delay time in the queue. That is,
-delay cann add some ADDITIONAL delay for packets. By default, all delays
are set to 0, i.e. no additional delays are introduced.
+ Added -class filter expression. This allows filtering after the class of a
TCP stream, i.e. you could use the filter "-tx -higher -class lower -c lower"
to filter out all TCP ACKs of streams that are classified as lower.
+ The program and protocol prioritization dialogs now have a button
to restore the prioritization settings to their default values.
+ The program prioritization dialog now allows you to suggest a newly added
program to the cFos team, so we can include it in future releases.
+ Changed the look of the current connections dialog. It also now has a
"Freeze" button to stop periodical update of the current connections.
+ Speeded protocol and program prioritization dialogs. This also
fixes the bug where IE9 causes page display problems when switching to
the games section.
+ Skins now support an x- and y- positioning offset. By specifying
x_ofs= and y_ofs= in the [all] section of the skin .INI you
can move the skin's default position by pixels to the right and
pixels to the bottom. This is useful, if the skins have shadows.
+ Auto-hide on fullscreen now also works after you opened/closed the
window manually. However, if you turn off auto-open/auto-hide
Auto-hide on fullscreen is also deactivated.
+ Due to popular demand, we added an option to lock the window position to
the window settings sub-menu.
+ Added Layer-7 stream detection for VLC and Media Player Classic.
+ From now on, installation archives contain both x86 and x64 flavours of
cFosSpeed ("fat" archives). The right Setup is started automatically.
Furthermore, the archives are packed with LZX, resulting in a higher
compression ratio.
- Status window auto-arrange is now turned off when you manually move the
status window.
- Added "spd echo ..." command that just echos the text to the trace file and
x Fixed the 2 window problem and disabled line calibration / send test pings in
cfosspeed context menu.
x Fixed several bugs in the Online Budget/Counter dialogs.
x Fixed truncated l7-protocol names in connection overview.
x Fixed a crash. Thanks to Norbert Paradowski for dump file.
x When you press the freeze button in the current connections dialog and
then click on one of the sorter tabs, the current connections are still
refreshed and sorted.
x Fixed a bug where net_talk_bcast would not be saved properly and was lost
after the next restart. Thanks to Михаил Монахов for his bug report.
x Fixed bugs in rx-shaping code.
x Fixed a long-standing bug, where the status window would disappear
after stand-by/wake up.
x Fixed a bug where newer dialog html files would not overwrite the old
ones during an update installation.
x Fixed a bug that caused the driver not to load sometimes after booting.
x If a ping_dest has been set by the user we accept ping replies ("pongs")
to any TTL. Otherwise, only ping replies to TTLs 2-4 are accepted. Thanks
to tomtores for inspiration.
x Fixed a rare bluscreen.
x Added check against NULL pointer in Windows 7 mobile broadband driver status
messages. Thanks to marmal for bug report and dump file.
cFosSpeed 6.60 build 1852 -- 11-May-2011
* Added support for Logitech G15 and G19 Gamer keyboards. When cFosSpeed
detects such a keyboard, it offers a the option to display the status
window on the display of the G15 or G19 display. If you enable it,
the skin windows will then be displayed on the keyboards display,
thereby offering all cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping information during
fullscreen mode apps / games. In addition, you can switch between
low latency / favour bandwidth wit the Button 1 on the G15 and the
UP Button on the G19.
Skins for Logitech G15 & G19 were donated by Ingo Günther.
* Added keyboard LED indicators. cFosSpeed can indicate certain
traffic shaping values by blinking the Num Lock and Scroll Lock
LEDs. See http://www.cfos.de/en/cfosspeed/documentation/keyboard-leds.htm
for more information.
+ When the traffic class is still not set (at the beginning of a connection)
the class column will display "working" or nothing. If more traffic is
coming, the class name will be shown or when no rule matches and no class
has yet been set for a connection the class is set to default.
+ If traffic shaping is (partly) inactive, this is now shown in "spd speed"
+ Added -udp-vol rule: it counts the volume of an UDP pseudo-connection.
Volume in this sense are all bytes including the IP and UDP header.
Added -udp-cnt rule: it counts the number of UDP packets in an UDP
+ Extended arguments for -tcp-seq and -tcp-cnt rules to 64 bit.
+ Added gset variable tx_shape, default 1, to en/disable tx-shaping globally.
x TCP SYNs were not properly prioritized. Fixed.
x Uploads do now slow down downloads less than before.
x Fixed behaviour of overlapping active areas in skins. Now the topmost one
catches the mouse click.
x For troubleshooting, you can now specify the Net Talk broadcast address.
Use "spd set net_talk_bcast x.x.x.x" to do that, address means
use default, which is or the subnet broadcast address like Thanks to Drool for inspiration.
x Fixed serious bug in -l7-prot, -udp-prog, -tcp-prog and -prog filter rules
when they were used with negation (like -l7-prot !@user.ini/normalprots).
This caused program and protocol settings to malfunction if you had made
changes to them (changes are recorded in user.ini and filter rules contain
negations to read them properly). This bug was introduced in since
v5.13.1694. Thanks to km for his bug reports.
x The installer started the status window with elevation. Fixed.
x Fixed installation problems where cfosspeed.exe could not be overwritten.
x Fixed a potential problem when stopping a system service. Thanks to Richard
B. for testing.
x Skins would not display more than 21Mb/s speed. Fixed. Thanks to kamcm for
bug report.
x Fixed a long-standing problem where cFosSpeed might perform poorly after a
wakeup from standby. Notably, UDP connections would not time-out and ever
increase in numbers.
x Fixed a error where certain skins would be incorrectly loaded and thus not
displayed at all.
x Fixed a bug in -prog and -l7-prot filters: they did not properly accept
multiple arguments separated by commas. Thanks to Thomas Quella for his bug
x Large ping values were always displayed as 999ms. Fixed.
x On some machines the status window was always topmost. Fixed.
x Fixed a spurious freeze. Thanks to Andrey Chernov for dump file.
x For Windows 7 the main icon is not hidden as long as at least one icon skin
is displayed. Otherwise Windows cannot remember the icon settings. If you
don't want to see the main icon, you can disable it in the context menu. For
older OSes the main icon is hidden as long as at least one icon skin is
x Variance accommodation now works for satellite connections with their very
long ping times as well. Thanks to ipcopter.de for help and support.
x No pinger boot will be done if both rx_shape and tx_shape are 0.
x Better tracking if test-pings reached the destination. If so, pinger will
not be used for burst and pingstat line starts with a '+'.
- Tested cFosSpeed with "teaming". We used an Intel Gigabit ET Dual Port
Server Adapter and their most recent teaming software v16.2. Please note:
The route to the Internet must go through the virtual teaming adapter,
not through one of the individual teamed adapters.
- Important notifications, e.g. the calibration notification and the trial
period expiration messages are now indicated by a symbol in the status window
if the skin supports it. Otherwise, the usual browser popup is used.
If you click on the symbol the corresponding website is displayed.
- The options menu is now also available for non-admins.
- More trace output for an installation problem where the service can not be
- By default max_trace_size is now 10 mbytes.
- Switched to new compiler.
- If for some reason test-pings reach their destination (i.e. they are not
returned with "TTL exceeded"), we inhibit further test-pings with that TTL.
cFosSpeed v7.00 Build 1901 Final 多國語言版
cFosSpeed v7.00 Build 1901 Final 多國語言版
cFosSpeed v7.00 Build 1901 Final 多國語言版