The CPU is the most important in our OC system,we must lose if we get a bad CPU,Only change the M/B,the difference may not so large between DFI and others.To our end users.LN2 and compressor are not realility, other Vender(A Brand,M Brand....) they can get 570MHz in fan cooler and 550Mhz run 3Dmark with the CPU not the One DFI used.what is the result if they use the andrew's CPU.
The CPU is the most important in our OC system,we must lose if we get a bad CPU,Only change the M/B,the difference may not so large between DFI and others.To our end users.LN2 and compressor are not ...
Dude you are 98% right because almost all OCers know the core (also the luck) is the main item for OC. However, still some extreme OCers care the reamining extra 2% performance, then with the same good core a distinguished mainboard talks;em25; , a poor mainboard sxcks;oq; . This is the reason some OCers pursue DFI. DFI, don't let OCers down!;shakehand