【軟體名稱】:Process Lasso
【軟體版本】:2.71 beta
此項特性被 Process Lasso 定義為過載抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免藍屏、假死、進程停止響應、進程占用 CPU 時間過多等癥狀。同時它還具備前台進程推進、
工作集修整、進程黑名單等附加特性。Process Lasso 對您系統的優化是完全實時+智能的,不會修改任何系統既有配置。且其支持命令行操作和服務器《=》客戶端的遠程管理,而內核又可脫離用戶界面單獨運行,因此普遍適用於普通家庭用戶和專業工作環境。此軟件的命令行內核其實對於懶人是非常便利的,安裝時選擇「設為默認配置」,平時使用開始菜單裡面的「啟動靜默後台引擎」就可以了,根本不用去繁瑣的設置,不過這樣的情況下沒必要選擇中文化,因為不跟用戶界面打交道了。!
簡單說:主要作用就是可以動態調整各個進程的優先級,避免某一個程序佔用CPU過多造成系統死鎖,甚至按 CTRL+ALT+DEL都沒有反應!!,有了它,就免除這種惱,相信很
Process Lasso
Take control of your processes and increase system responsiveness!
Process Lasso is a unique new technology intended to automatically adjust the allocation of CPU cycles so that system responsiveness is improved in high-load situations. It does this by temporarily lowering the priorities of processes that are consuming too many CPU cycles, there-by giving other processes a chance to run if they are in need. This process priority optimization is useful for both single and multi-core processors. No longer will a single process be able to bring your system to a virtual stall.
In addition, Process Lasso offers capabilities such as a system responsiveness graph, default process priorities, default process CPU affinities, termination of disallowed processes, and logging of processes executed. With Process Lasso you essentially create rules to manage processes running on your system.
Process Lasso does all this while consuming almost no system resources thankscode, using native win32 APIs complimented with NT native APIs for process management (instead of toolhelp or psapi). Also, we used advanced data structures to track processes in the most efficient way possible. No other competing product can claim the efficiency of Process Lasso.
Process Lasso Functions
Automatic out-of-control process restraint
Foreground boosting
Default process priorities
Default process affinities
Process launch logging
System responsiveness calculation and graph
And more...
Easy to use menu system allows for setting of process defaults and other options.
Graphical Interface Features
Easily set rules for default process priorities, affinities, and more.
Optionally show balloon tips to notify you when actions are taken.
Show CPU utilization, system responsiveness, or a simple unchanging icon in the system tray.
Unique system responsiveness calculation and graph display, along with typical processor utilization graph.
Easy to use right-click menu system allows for setting of process state and defaults (priority, affinity, startup at login, and more).
Toggle auto-startup (at login) of processes.
When not visible resource use is minimized through a sleep-like mode.
The GUI is not required for process management, it can be completely closed.
適用於 Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/Windows/Vista,不適用於 9X。http://www.driveway.com/l0t8q6j0h3
【軟體版本】:2.71 beta
此項特性被 Process Lasso 定義為過載抑制(out-of-control restraint),可有效避免藍屏、假死、進程停止響應、進程占用 CPU 時間過多等癥狀。同時它還具備前台進程推進、
工作集修整、進程黑名單等附加特性。Process Lasso 對您系統的優化是完全實時+智能的,不會修改任何系統既有配置。且其支持命令行操作和服務器《=》客戶端的遠程管理,而內核又可脫離用戶界面單獨運行,因此普遍適用於普通家庭用戶和專業工作環境。此軟件的命令行內核其實對於懶人是非常便利的,安裝時選擇「設為默認配置」,平時使用開始菜單裡面的「啟動靜默後台引擎」就可以了,根本不用去繁瑣的設置,不過這樣的情況下沒必要選擇中文化,因為不跟用戶界面打交道了。!
簡單說:主要作用就是可以動態調整各個進程的優先級,避免某一個程序佔用CPU過多造成系統死鎖,甚至按 CTRL+ALT+DEL都沒有反應!!,有了它,就免除這種惱,相信很
Process Lasso
Take control of your processes and increase system responsiveness!
Process Lasso is a unique new technology intended to automatically adjust the allocation of CPU cycles so that system responsiveness is improved in high-load situations. It does this by temporarily lowering the priorities of processes that are consuming too many CPU cycles, there-by giving other processes a chance to run if they are in need. This process priority optimization is useful for both single and multi-core processors. No longer will a single process be able to bring your system to a virtual stall.
In addition, Process Lasso offers capabilities such as a system responsiveness graph, default process priorities, default process CPU affinities, termination of disallowed processes, and logging of processes executed. With Process Lasso you essentially create rules to manage processes running on your system.
Process Lasso does all this while consuming almost no system resources thankscode, using native win32 APIs complimented with NT native APIs for process management (instead of toolhelp or psapi). Also, we used advanced data structures to track processes in the most efficient way possible. No other competing product can claim the efficiency of Process Lasso.
Process Lasso Functions
Automatic out-of-control process restraint
Foreground boosting
Default process priorities
Default process affinities
Process launch logging
System responsiveness calculation and graph
And more...
Easy to use menu system allows for setting of process defaults and other options.
Graphical Interface Features
Easily set rules for default process priorities, affinities, and more.
Optionally show balloon tips to notify you when actions are taken.
Show CPU utilization, system responsiveness, or a simple unchanging icon in the system tray.
Unique system responsiveness calculation and graph display, along with typical processor utilization graph.
Easy to use right-click menu system allows for setting of process state and defaults (priority, affinity, startup at login, and more).
Toggle auto-startup (at login) of processes.
When not visible resource use is minimized through a sleep-like mode.
The GUI is not required for process management, it can be completely closed.
適用於 Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/Windows/Vista,不適用於 9X。http://www.driveway.com/l0t8q6j0h3