


Questi sono i settaggi possibili all'interno di config.wtf (editabile con un notepad)
E' meglio salvare il file originale prima di ogni modifica e lavorare su una copia.

SET hwDetect "0" --- Esegue il detect dei driver video ogni volta che avvia WOW.
SET lod "0" --- Attiva un dettaglio del terreno più alto. Valori possibili 1/0 (on/off).
SET lodDist "100.000000" --- Detirmina la distanza dalla quale la qualità del terreno inizia a scendere. Range di valori da 50 a 100, funziona solo con SET lod "1" (attivo)
SET fullAlpha "0" --- Disables or enables Alpha on everything (slower computer, 0, faster computer, 1)(only use if resoloution ends in 32)
SET doodadAnim "0" --- settando questo valore a 1 si attiveranno le znimazioni dell'ambiente circostante, come mulini che girano o uccelli che volano. Valori possibili 1/0 (on/off).
SET mapShadows "0" --- Attiva o disattiva le obre generate dal terreno. Valori possibili 1/0 (on/off).
SET shadowLevel "0" --- Determina la qualità delle ombre del terreno. Valori possibili 1/0 (bassa/alta).
SET lightMaps "(null) --- This enables or disables lightmaps (make shadows look more real)
SET SmallCull "0.040000" --- Something to do with Culling
SET DistCull "500.000000" --- Also to do with Culling, I dunno what it is, but it has something to do with 3d models
SET MaxLights "4" --- Set higher to allow more light sources, for faster computers and more complex shadows
SET alphaLevel "0" --- This sets the initial alpha levels of objects before other alpha layers are added (guess)
SET texLodBias "0.5" --- This probably makes the textures look less real farther away (value sets amount to degrade quality at large distances)
SET trilinear "1" --- Enables trilinear filtering
SET frillDensity "24" --- Dunno
SET farclip "450.000000 --- Determina la distanza massima dalla quale sarà possibile vedere ogni oggetto. Range di valori da 177 a 777.
SET nearclip "0.1 --- Keep this at 0.1 but it sets the minimum camera clipping distance (you can't see closer than this number to the camera)
SET pixelShaders "0" --- Abilita i pixel shader. Potenzialmente permette al motore grafico del gioco di renderizzare in meno passaggi incrementando le performance del gioco (consigliato su computer più potenti). Valori possibili 1/0 (on/off).
SET specular "0" --- aggiunge ad alcuni oggetti particolare dettaglio negli effetti di riflessione. richiede SET pixelShaders "1" (on). (consigliato su computer più potenti)
SET particleDensity "1.000000" --- For all the particle emitters, sets the density scaling value
SET unitDrawDist "120.000000" --- Max distance you can see another player or creep (the server sets this for you)
SET waterLOD "0" --- Level of detail in the water
SET baseMip "0" --- first mip-mapping level, textures become blurry at a distance with higher numbers in this value
SET anisotropic "1" --- sets anisotropic filtering on or off
SET textureLodDist "777.0" --- I think something to do with the distance at which texture LOD begins to degrade
SET horizonfarclip "2112" --- How far away the horizon is from your character (similar to FarClip value)
SET ErrorFileLog "0" --- yeah, self explanitary
SET Errors "0 --- numbers of errors that it will LOG at once if the game crashes
SET ErrorLevelMin "1" --- min number of errors to log
SET ErrorLevelMax "3" --- max number of errors to log
SET ErrorFilter "all" --- which errors to never log go here
SET debugTargetInfo "0" --- lets you see info about your currently selected target
SET showGUIDs "0" --- enables/disables GUI IDs (which are like tooltips on the GUI)
SET DesktopGamma "0" --- Use desktop gamma levels or not
SET Gamma "1.0" --- In game gamma if UseDesktopGamma is off
SET profanityFilter "1" --- cursing filter on or off
SET SoundBufferSize "100" --- size of the buffer that holds the sound files in memory
SET SoundOutputSystem "-1" --- dunno
SET SoundDriver "-1" --- dunno
SET SoundMixer "-1" --- dunno
SET SoundMinHardwareChannels "-1" --- minimum number of sound channels to use
SET SoundMaxHardwareChannels "12" --- max number of sound channels to use
SET SoundMixRate "44100" --- data rate of sound (in hertz)
SET SoundSoftwareChannels "12" --- SoundMinHardwareChannels except for software sound, not hardware sound
SET SoundInitFlags "128" --- dunno
SET SoundMemoryCache "4" --- Size of memory cache in megabytes
SET mouseInvertYaw "0" --- invert horizontal (or vertical, I dunno difference between pitch, yaw, roll) mouse scrolling
SET mouseInvertPitch "0" --- invert horizontal (or vertical, I dunno difference between pitch, yaw, roll) mouse scrolling
SET camerasmooth "1" --- smoothes the camera movements
SET cameraSmoothingRate "0.5" --- rate at which camera movements are smoothed
SET cameraLinearSpeed "8.33" --- dunno
SET cameraAngularSpeed "180.0" --- dunno
SET cameraAngleA "0" --- initial camera angle?
SET cameraDistanceA "5.55" --- i dunno
SET cameraAngleB "20" --- i dunno
SET cameraDistanceB "5.55" --- dunno
SET cameraAngleC "30" --- dunno
SET cameraDistanceC "13.88" --- dunno
SET cameraAngleD "0" --- dunno
SET cameraDistanceD "13.88" --- dunno
SET EnableGroupSpeech "1" --- enables speech to all those in your party
SET EnableErrorSpeech "1" --- your guess is as good as mine, and I don't have one
SET EnableAmbience "1" --- sets environmental ambience sounds on (like the bubbling of a marsh or the croaking of frogs)
SET MapWaterSounds "1" --- ummm, this one is too complex for me to handle
SET statusBarText "0" --- enables/disables text on the status bar
SET assistAttack "0" --- allows other players to help you fight a single enemy (turn off if you don't want others taking your kills)
SET minimapZoom "0" --- current zoom level on the minimap (there can be 3 I think)
SET minimapInsideZoom "3" --- Which area on the map you're currently centered on
SET combatLogOn "1" --- i dunno
SET UnitNameRenderMode "2" --- how the game shows unit names (try modes 0, 1, 2, 3 to see how else it can render names)
SET PlayerFadeMouseOver "0" --- if enabled, when you mouse over your player, they fade so you can see through them
SET PlayerFadeInRate "4096" --- how fast you fade in
SET PlayerFadeOutRate "4096" --- how fast you fade out
SET PlayerFadeOutAlpha "128" --- the extent to which you can be faded (0 is not at all, 255 is completely transparent)
SET DamageFontHeight "0.035" --- how high the damage numbers fly up before disapearing
SET DamageFontOutline "1" --- something to do with the above
SET DamageFontFadeInTime "200" --- time to fade in for damage numbers
SET DamageFontTotalTime "1200" --- how long the damage numbers live before disappearing
SET DamageFontAscendDistance "7" --- something to do with DamageFontHeight
SET DamageFontCharSpacing "-0.001" --- amount of spacing between the numbers in damage numbers
SET DamageFontConeAngle "0" --- I dunno
SET showsmartrects "0" --- I dunno
SET UnitNamePlayerName "1" --- I would guess that it displays the name of your player or something like that
SET UnitNamePlayerGuild "1" --- I would guess that it displays the guild you're in
SET UnitNamePlayerTitle "1" --- I would guess that it displays your title (aka - duke, lord, etc.)
SET UnitNameUnitName "1" --- something to do with showing enemies' names
SET UnitNameUnitGuild "1" --- shows enemies' guilds
SET UnitNameUnitTitle "1" --- shows enemies' titles
SET UnitNameUnitSummonedBy "1" --- shows the name of the person who summoned a unit above the summoned unit
SET weapontrails "1" --- leaves particle trails behind all weapons
SET ObjectSelectionCircle "1" --- shows or not shows the selection circles on a unit you select
SET DebugTargetPath "0" --- dunno
SET showEffectsStandalone "1" --- dunno
SET CombatLogPartyRange "0" --- how far you can be from someone in your party to log thier messages
SET CombatLogRange "40" --- how far you can be from someone to hear them fight ("playername has casted Blizzard on gnoll")
SET CombatDeathLogRange "60" --- how far you can be from someone to hear them die ("Playername has been slain by a gnoll")
SET CombatLogPeriodicSpells "0" --- dunno this one
SET showfootprints "1" --- it shows yours and other units' footprints in the ground
SET showfootprintparticles "1" --- shows the particles where someone walked (if you're in the desert, it would be the sand that people kicked up while walking)
SET ShowBreath "1" --- shows your player breathing if you're close enough to see it
SET CombatModeMaxDistance "30.0f" --- how far (in feet) you can be from someone to attack them (?)
SET UnitNameRenderOwn "0" --- shows your name above your head if enabled
SET SkyCloudLOD "0" --- sets the level of detail for clouds




wft對我而言不是好字眼, 粉多老外小孩愛用的縮寫: What The Fu*k.

也許大師是認真的, 只是看到 wtf直覺會認定這是開玩笑的.... ;x;



Questi sono i settaggi possibili all'interno di config.wtf(editabile 記誦非記事本)
E ' meglio salvare il 文件originale 第一的di ogni modifica e lavorare su una copia。

確定hwDetect"0" --- Esegue il 發現哇的dei 司機錄像ogni volta che avvia。
確定lod"0" --- Attiva 非dettaglio del terreno più女低音。 Valori possibili 1/0(在上/離)。
確定lodDist"100.000000" --- Detirmina拉distanza dalla quale拉qualitàdel terreno inizia scendere。 範圍di valori 直接作用50一100,funziona 獨奏記誦確定lod"1"(attivo)
確定fullAlpha"0" --- 在一切(更慢的計算機,0,更快的計算機,1)(如果resoloution結束于32,只使用)上傷殘或者最初使能夠
確定doodadAnim"0" --- settando questo valore 1 si attiveranno le znimazioni dell'ambiente circostante,變成mulini che girano o uccelli che volano。 Valori possibili 1/0(在上/離)。
確定mapShadows"0" --- Attiva o disattiva le obre 產生10升terreno。 Valori possibili 1/0(在上/離)。
確定shadowLevel"0" --- Determina拉qualitàdelle ombre del terreno。 Valori possibili 1/0的(bassa/alta)。
確定lightMaps"(空行) --- 這使lightmaps(使陰影看起來更真正)能夠或者使無能力
確定SmallCull"0.040000" --- 某些事情處理挑選
確定DistCull"500.000000" --- 此外處理挑選,我dunno它是什麼,但是它與3d 模型有些關係
確定MaxLights"4" --- 更高地確定允許更多的光源,為更快的計算機和更複雜的陰影
確定alphaLevel"0" --- 這集各級的最初α目的在其他α層被增加(猜測)之前
確定texLodBias"0.5" --- 這或許使質地看較少真正遠方(價值確定總計達降職在大的距離的質量)
確定trilinear"1" --- 使trilinear能夠過濾
確定frillDensity"24" --- Dunno
確定farclip"450.000000 --- Determina拉distanza massima dalla quale saràpossibile vedere ogni oggetto。 di valori 直接作用177一777範圍。
確定nearclip"0.1 --- 保持這在0.1 確定最小照像機剪距離(你不能看見近比這號給照像機)
確定pixelShaders"0" --- Abilita i 象素shader。 在meno passaggi incrementando le性能del gioco(consigliato su 計算機piùpotenti)裡的Potenzialmente permette al motore grafico del gioco di renderizzare。 Valori possibili 1/0(在上/離)。
確定specular"0" --- aggiunge廣告alcuni oggetti particolare dettaglio negli effetti di riflessione。 richiede 確定pixelShaders"1"(on)。 (consigliato su 計算機piùpotenti)
確定particleDensity"1.000000" --- 對全部粒子發射極來說,設置密度攀登價值
確定unitDrawDist"120.000000" --- 你能看見另一名運動員或者爬去的最大的距離(伺服器為你確定這)
確定waterLOD"0" --- 在水裡的細節的水準
確定baseMip"0" --- 首先mip 繪圖水準,質地用在這價值方面的更高的數目在稍遠的地方成為模糊
確定各向異性的"1" --- 確定各向異性的開或關過濾
確定textureLodDist"777.0" --- 我認為某些事情處理質地LOD 開始降低的距離
確定horizonfarclip"2112" --- 地平線是來自你的性格(類似于FarClip價值)多遠
確定ErrorFileLog"0" --- 是的,自我explanitary
確定第"0 錯誤 --- 如果比賽碰撞事故,它將立刻記錄的許多錯誤
確定ErrorLevelMin"1" --- 要記錄的錯誤的最小的數目
確定ErrorLevelMax"3" --- 要記錄的最大的錯誤的數量
確定ErrorFilter"全部" --- 從未記錄的錯誤去這裡的
確定debugTargetInfo"0" --- 讓你關於你的目前選擇的目標看見訊息
確定showGUIDs"0" --- 使能夠/使GUI ID(在GUI上看起來象tooltips)無能力
確定DesktopGamma"0" --- 使用桌面γ水準與否
確定γ"1.0" --- 用比賽γ如果UseDesktopGamma離開
確定profanityFilter"1" --- 開或關咒罵過濾器
確定SoundBufferSize"100" --- 記住聲文件的緩沖區的大小
確定SoundOutputSystem"-1" --- dunno
確定SoundDriver"-1" --- dunno
確定SoundMixer"-1" --- dunno
確定SoundMinHardwareChannels"-1" --- 要使用的最小音頻通道的數量
確定SoundMaxHardwareChannels"12" --- 要使用的最大的音頻通道的數量
確定SoundMixRate"44100" --- 聲音(用赫茲)的數據傳輸速度
確定SoundSoftwareChannels"12" --- 除了軟體聲音的SoundMinHardwareChannels,並非硬體聲音
確定SoundInitFlags"128" --- dunno
確定SoundMemoryCache"4" --- 在百萬位元組裡的記憶陷藏的大小
確定mouseInvertYaw"0" --- 倒置水準(或者垂直,我dunno 差別在球場,偏轉之間,滾)從上卷下的老鼠
確定mouseInvertPitch"0" --- 倒置水準(或者垂直,我dunno 差別在球場,偏轉之間,滾)從上卷下的老鼠
確定camerasmooth"1" --- smoothes 照像機運動
確定cameraSmoothingRate"0.5" --- 照像機運動被清除的比率
確定cameraLinearSpeed"8.33" --- dunno
確定cameraAngularSpeed"180.0" --- dunno
確定cameraAngleA"0" --- 最初攝影角度嗎?
確定cameraDistanceA"5.55" --- i dunno
確定cameraAngleB"20" --- i dunno
確定cameraDistanceB"5.55" --- dunno
確定cameraAngleC"30" --- dunno
確定cameraDistanceC"13.88" --- dunno
確定cameraAngleD"0" --- dunno
確定cameraDistanceD"13.88" --- dunno
確定EnableGroupSpeech"1" --- 在你的聚會上對全部那些使講話成為可能
確定EnableErrorSpeech"1" --- 你的推測象我的一樣好,並且我沒有一個
確定EnableAmbience"1" --- 在(象一片沼澤或者蛙的發牢騷的起泡一樣)上確定環境環境聲音
確定MapWaterSounds"1" --- ummm,這個太複雜,我不能處理
確定statusBarText"0" --- 使能夠/使關於地位酒吧的正文無能力
確定assistAttack"0" --- 允許其他運動員幫助你戰鬥單個敵人(如果你沒想要幾其它人花費,離開你殺死)
確定minimapZoom"0" --- 在minimap(可能有3我想)上的當今的編譯程式水準
確定minimapInsideZoom"3" --- 領域在你目前的地圖上集中于的
確定combatLogOn"1" --- i dunno
確定UnitNameRenderMode"2" --- 比賽怎樣顯示單位名字(試試模式0,1,2,3 看出它除此之外還怎樣能翻譯名字)
確定PlayerFadeMouseOver"0" --- 如果使能夠,你老鼠越過你的運動員,他們消失,因此你能看穿他們什麼時候
確定PlayerFadeInRate"4096" --- 你漸強多么快
確定PlayerFadeOutRate"4096" --- 你淡出多么快
確定PlayerFadeOutAlpha"128" --- 你可能被褪色的範圍(0 完全不是,255 完全透明)
確定DamageFontHeight"0.035" --- 損害數目在disapearing之前向上飛多么高啊
確定DamageFontOutline"1" --- 某些事情處理上述
確定DamageFontFadeInTime"200" --- 為損害數目漸強的時間
確定DamageFontTotalTime"1200" --- 在消失之前,損害數目住多久
確定DamageFontAscendDistance"7" --- 某些事情處理DamageFontHeight
確定DamageFontCharSpacing"-0.001" --- 在用損害數目的期之間隔開的數量
確定DamageFontConeAngle"0" --- 我dunno
確定showsmartrects"0" --- 我dunno
確定UnitNamePlayerName"1" --- 我將猜測它展示你的運動員或者象那樣的事情的名字
確定UnitNamePlayerGuild"1" --- 我將猜測它展示你在的行會
確定UnitNamePlayerTitle"1" --- 我將猜測它展示你的標題(又名-公爵,上帝,等等)
確定UnitNameUnitName"1" --- 某些事情處理顯示敵人的名字
確定UnitNameUnitGuild"1" --- 顯示敵人的行會
確定UnitNameUnitTitle"1" --- 顯示敵人的標題
確定UnitNameUnitSummonedBy"1" --- 顯示召喚一個單位高于被召喚的單位的人的名字
確定weapontrails"1" --- 葉子粒子落后于全部武器
確定ObjectSelectionCircle"1" --- 顯示或者不顯示選擇在你選擇的一個單位上盤旋
確定DebugTargetPath"0" --- dunno
確定showEffectsStandalone"1" --- dunno
確定CombatLogPartyRange"0" --- 來自在記錄thier 消息的你的聚會上的某人你可能是多遠
確定CombatLogRange"40" --- 你可能由於("playername 投在gnoll上的大風雪")的聽說他們戰鬥的某人多遠
確定CombatDeathLogRange"60" --- 你可能由於("Playername已經被gnoll殺死")的聽說他們死的某人多遠
確定CombatLogPeriodicSpells"0" --- dunno這個
確定showfootprints"1" --- 它在地顯示你的和其他單位的足跡
確定showfootprintparticles"1" --- 顯示某人走的粒子(你在沙漠,它將是人們在走時揚起的沙)
確定ShowBreath"1" --- 如果你近得足以看見它,顯示你的運動員呼吸
確定CombatModeMaxDistance"30.0f" --- 多遠(在腳)你可能是由於某人攻擊他們(?)
確定UnitNameRenderOwn"0" --- 如果被使成為可能,在你的頭上方顯示你的名字
確定SkyCloudLOD"0" --- 為雲確定細節的水準




pinfantw2001 說: