史上規模最大的遊戲密匙洩漏事件或許就在近日發生,由於AMD保管不利,接近300萬個《DiRT 3》遊戲Steam激活密匙被洩露到網上。這批密匙屬於AMD的產品促銷贈品,玩家在購買AMD顯卡後即可獲得《DiRT 3》遊戲密匙一個。顯然,這次密匙洩露很可能會影響到通過正常途徑獲取密匙的玩家。
目前眾多喜歡《DiRT 3》的Steam用戶都在關注這個時間,希望Steam方面能夠給出一個完善的解決方案,能同時保證Steam和玩家的利益。至於AMD,恐怕他要為自己的保管不利付出點代價了。
-------------09-07-2011 補充說明---------------
AMD公關來信,說明了這件事情出包的並非AMD官方,而是這些 Dirt3 遊戲金鑰透過 www.AMD4u.com疏失了,而不是AMD 網站。 AMD4u.com 是一家外包廠商網站。
This past weekend, activation keys associated with free Dirt 3 game vouchers shipping with select AMD products were compromised. These activation keys were hosted on a third-party fulfillment agency website, www.AMD4u.com, and did not reside on AMD’s website. Neither the AMD nor Codemasters servers were involved.
We are working closely with Steam, Codemasters, and our fulfillment agency, to address the situation. AMD will continue to honor all valid game vouchers, however the current situation may result in a short delay before the vouchers can be redeemed.
目前眾多喜歡《DiRT 3》的Steam用戶都在關注這個時間,希望Steam方面能夠給出一個完善的解決方案,能同時保證Steam和玩家的利益。至於AMD,恐怕他要為自己的保管不利付出點代價了。
-------------09-07-2011 補充說明---------------
AMD公關來信,說明了這件事情出包的並非AMD官方,而是這些 Dirt3 遊戲金鑰透過 www.AMD4u.com疏失了,而不是AMD 網站。 AMD4u.com 是一家外包廠商網站。
This past weekend, activation keys associated with free Dirt 3 game vouchers shipping with select AMD products were compromised. These activation keys were hosted on a third-party fulfillment agency website, www.AMD4u.com, and did not reside on AMD’s website. Neither the AMD nor Codemasters servers were involved.
We are working closely with Steam, Codemasters, and our fulfillment agency, to address the situation. AMD will continue to honor all valid game vouchers, however the current situation may result in a short delay before the vouchers can be redeemed.