首先要感謝帥帥小施哥哥那麼慷慨的提供獎品 並炒熱CBB氣氛
這次比賽大家都精銳盡出 小t實在快檔不住了@@”有我來墊底嚕 大家安心巴!
這次實在沒啥搞頭 都沒新東西可以測試!
絞盡腦汁搞出下面這些東東 請繼續看下去!
這次照片全部重新拍攝 這樣才不會有亂湊嫌疑 XD
測試標準 Windows XP SP2
1280x1024 32bit
由於測試的卡屬 繪圖卡故不測試3D Mark 連跑都不給跑 太古董拉XD
Nvidia卡皆用ELSA 53.03版本測試
顯卡驅動安裝完畢 重開後無更動設定直接測試
CPU: Intel Tualatin Celeron 1.0G
RAM: KingMax PC-150 256MB
RAM: G.Skill TCCD 512MB*2
主機板:P4C800 Deluxe
電源供應器:鐵甲武士 350W
測試平台3 這…最後才會看到XD
CPU: Mobile Pentium 4 2.8EG ES
RAM: G.Skill TCCD 512MB*2
Power: ZIPPY PSM-6600P 600W
OpenGL 概要
OpenGL - The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics
About OpenGL
The OpenGL Programming Visualization Programming Pipeline
Available Everywhere
Architected for Flexibility and Differentiation: Extensions
API Hierarchy
The Foundation for Advanced APIs
Continued Innovation through Extensions
OpenGL Applications & Games
Most Widely Adopted Graphics Standard
OpenGL is the premier environment for developing portable, interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications. Since its introduction in 1992, OpenGL has become the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), bringing thousands of applications to a wide variety of computer platforms. OpenGL fosters innovation and speeds application development by incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions. Developers can leverage the power of OpenGL across all popular desktop and workstation platforms, ensuring wide application deployment.
High Visual Quality and Performance
Any visual computing application requiring maximum performance-from 3D animation to CAD to visual simulation-can exploit high-quality, high-performance OpenGL capabilities. These capabilities allow developers in diverse markets such as broadcasting, CAD/CAM/CAE, entertainment, medical imaging, and virtual reality to produce and display incredibly compelling 2D and 3D graphics.
Developer-Driven Advantages
Industry standard
An independent consortium, the OpenGL Architecture Review Board, guides the OpenGL specification. With broad industry support, OpenGL is the only truly open, vendor-neutral, multiplatform graphics standard.
OpenGL implementations have been available for more than seven years on a wide variety of platforms. Additions to the specification are well controlled, and proposed updates are announced in time for developers to adopt changes. Backward compatibility requirements ensure that existing applications do not become obsolete.
Reliable and portable
All OpenGL applications produce consistent visual display results on any OpenGL API-compliant hardware, regardless of operating system or windowing system.
Because of its thorough and forward-looking design, OpenGL allows new hardware innovations to be accessible through the API via the OpenGL extension mechanism. In this way, innovations appear in the API in a timely fashion, letting application developers and hardware vendors incorporate new features into their normal product release cycles.
OpenGL API-based applications can run on systems ranging from consumer electronics to PCs, workstations, and supercomputers. As a result, applications can scale to any class of machine that the developer chooses to target.
Easy to use
OpenGL is well structured with an intuitive design and logical commands. Efficient OpenGL routines typically result in applications with fewer lines of code than those that make up programs generated using other graphics libraries or packages. In addition, OpenGL drivers encapsulate information about the underlying hardware, freeing the application developer from having to design for specific hardware features.
Numerous books have been published about OpenGL, and a great deal of sample code is readily available, making information about OpenGL inexpensive and easy to obtain.
The OpenGL Visualization Programming Pipeline
The OpenGL Visualization Programming Pipeline
OpenGL operates on image data as well as geometric primitives.
Simplifies Software Development, Speeds Time-to-Market
OpenGL routines simplify the development of graphics software—from rendering a simple geometric point, line, or filled polygon to the creation of the most complex lighted and texture-mapped NURBS curved surface. OpenGL gives software developers access to geometric and image primitives, display lists, modeling transformations, lighting and texturing, anti-aliasing, blending, and many other features.
Every conforming OpenGL implementation includes the full complement of OpenGL functions. The well-specified OpenGL standard has language bindings for C, C++, Fortran, Ada, and Java. All licensed OpenGL implementations come from a single specification and language binding document and are required to pass a set of conformance tests. Applications utilizing OpenGL functions are easily portable across a wide array of platforms for maximized programmer productivity and shorter time-to-market.
All elements of the OpenGL state—even the contents of the texture memory and the frame buffer—can be obtained by an OpenGL application. OpenGL also supports visualization applications with 2D images treated as types of primitives that can be manipulated just like 3D geometric objects. As shown in the OpenGL visualization programming pipeline diagram above, images and vertices defining geometric primitives are passed through the OpenGL pipeline to the frame buffer.
Available Everywhere
Supported on all UNIX® workstations, and shipped standard with every Windows 95/98/2000/NT and MacOS PC, no other graphics API operates on a wider range of hardware platforms and software environments. OpenGL runs on every major operating system including Mac OS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Linux, OPENStep, and BeOS; it also works with every major windowing system, including Win32, MacOS, Presentation Manager, and X-Window System. OpenGL is callable from Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Python, Perl and Java and offers complete independence from network protocols and topologies.
Architected for Flexibility and Differentiation: Extensions
Although the OpenGL specification defines a particular graphics processing pipeline, platform vendors have the freedom to tailor a particular OpenGL implementation to meet unique system cost and performance objectives. Individual calls can be executed on dedicated hardware, run as software routines on the standard system CPU, or implemented as a combination of both dedicated hardware and software routines. This implementation flexibility means that OpenGL hardware acceleration can range from simple rendering to full geometry and is widely available on everything from low-cost PCs to high-end workstations and supercomputers. Application developers are assured consistent display results regardless of the platform implementation of the OpenGL environment.
Using the OpenGL extension mechanism, hardware developers can differentiate their products by developing extensions that allow software developers to access additional performance and technological innovations.
Many OpenGL extensions, as well as extensions to related APIs like GLU, GLX, and WGL, have been defined by vendors and groups of vendors. The OpenGL Extension Registry is maintained by SGI and contains specifications for all known extensions, written as modifications to the appropriate specification documents. The registry also defines naming conventions, guidelines for creating new extensions and writing suitable extension specifications, and other related documentation.
API Hierarchy
OpenGL applications use the window system’s window, input, and event mechanism
GLU supports quadrics, NURBS, complex polygons, matrix utilities, and more
This diagram demonstrates the relationship between OpenGL GLU and windowing APIs
The Foundation for Advanced APIs
Leading software developers use OpenGL, with its robust rendering libraries, as the 2D/3D graphics foundation for higher-level APIs. Developers leverage the capabilities of OpenGL to deliver highly differentiated, yet widely supported vertical market solutions. For example, Open Inventor provides a cross-platform user interface and flexible scene graph that makes it easy to create OpenGL applications. IRIS Performer leverages OpenGL functionality and delivers additional features tailored for the demanding high frame rate markets such as visual simulation and virtual sets. OpenGL Optimizer is a toolkit for real-time interaction, modification, and rendering of complex surface-based models such as those found in CAD/CAM and special effects creation. OpenGL Volumizer is a high-level immediate mode volume rendering API for the energy, medical and sciences markets. OpenGL Shader provides a common interface to support realistic visual effects, bump mapping, multiple textures, environment maps, volume shading and an unlimited array of new effects using hardware acceleration on standard OpenGL graphics cards.
The OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB), an independent consortium formed in 1992, governs the OpenGL specification. Composed of members from many of the industry's leading graphics vendors, the ARB defines conformance tests and approves OpenGL enhancements. See the ARB page for more information.
The OpenGL Performance Characterization Committee, another independent organization, creates and maintains OpenGL benchmarks and publishes the results of those benchmarks on its Web site:
Continued Innovation
The OpenGL standard is constantly evolving. Formal revisions occur at periodic intervals, and extensions allowing application developers to access the latest hardware advances through OpenGL are continuously being developed. As extensions become widely accepted, they are considered for inclusion into the core OpenGL standard. This process allows OpenGL to evolve in a controlled yet innovative manner.
ARB-approved OpenGL specifications and source code are available to licensed hardware platform vendors. End users, independent software vendors, and others writing code based on the OpenGL API are free from licensing requirements. See SGI's Licensing web site for more information.
OpenGL Applications & Games
OpenGL is the pervasive standard for 3D consumer and professional applications across all major OS platforms. A partial list for Window, Linux and MacOS are available at the following links.
Windows Applications
Linux Applications
Mac Applications
看英文很累嗎 mooon ....來看看中文滴 :sun:
OpenGL 2.0 - 為了解救可程式化繪圖而推出
可程式化能力是OpenGL 2.0裡的一個關鍵字,這表示它是設計供應用程式存取運用。為使其符合大部分應用程式與使用者的標準,繪圖可程式化能力是透過一種被CPU類型所採用的可程式化能力、類似高階程式語言的方式加進來的。他將提供一個豐富的弁銃陛B獨立於硬體(正如一個標準所應該有的特性),並專為在OpenGL架構下使用所設計。
這個新API將有助於弁鄋獐郱リい羹W進效能,以及現有弁鄋獐郱リヾC大多數選用的OpenGL 1.3影像子集在OpenGL 2.0裡都是必備的,而且釵h延伸指令都將和標準的OpenGL搭配運作,這將可完全釋放出硬體的效能。這將可在與繪圖子系統間的往返傳輸上,獲得極佳的效能,並使CPU與繪圖處理間更加平行化。這個新的API看起來就像下圖所示:
這個新API將有助於弁鄋獐郱リい羹W進效能,以及現有弁鄋獐郱リヾC大多數選用的OpenGL 1.3影像子集在OpenGL 2.0裡都是必備的,而且釵h延伸指令都將和標準的OpenGL搭配運作,這將可完全釋放出硬體的效能。這將可在與繪圖子系統間的往返傳輸上,獲得極佳的效能,並使CPU與繪圖處理間更加平行化。這個新的API看起來就像下圖所示:
陰影語言。一種獨立於硬體之外的OpenGL 2.0陰影語言,與OpenGL 1.3有緊密的整合。現有的狀態機又增加了可程式化單元,將可增設OpenGL 1.3固定式的替代弁遄C新的著色器可自動紀錄現有的OpenGL狀態(例如進行一個簡單的光源轉換而無須覆寫參數管理)。它以C為架構,加上容易理解的向量和矩陣類別,並也將整合一些Renderman弁遄C這套語言會虛擬資源管線,因此對大多數的程式設計師來說便不用去考慮資源管理。將來也會有相同形式、供頂角著色器與區段著色器之用的語言,並加上一些特別內建的弁鄔M資料限定器。
區段處理器。其弁酮飢鷜閬s取、內插器與像素運算彈性。Open GL 2.0增加了區段 處理器能力,將取代下列弁遄G內插值頂角資料運算;像素縮放;材質存取、縮放和偏向;材質應用;色表查找;霧化;旋繞;以及OpenGL管線中的色彩矩陣部分。然而區段著色器並沒有取代下列弁遄GOpenGL的陰影模型;直方圖;覆賓蛂F極值;像素所有權測試;像素封裝和解封裝;剪裁;點刻;alpha測試;深度測試;模印測試;alpha混色;邏輯運算;顫色;或平面遮罩。
OpenGL現有的「像素傳輸」運算是由區段處理器所支援,而非封裝/解封裝處理器。區段處理器具有縮放、偏向、查找、旋繞等所需的能力。此外由於ARB並不要求多餘的硬體能力,封裝/解封裝處理器因而便無需具備其他可程式化單元所搭載的浮點運算能力。主要的運算能力為偏移、遮罩以及轉換為/自浮點數 - 那些和像素資料的應用對OpenGL轉換有關的弁遄C在封裝解封裝處理器中運作的程式必需和目前的區段著色器相容,並和區段處理器搭配運作以實做OpenGL像素管線。
OpenGL 2.0將提供更好的記憶體管理,並提供應用程式對資料移動的控制能力,提供更好的頂角處理能力、將資料抓進OpenGL的更有效方法,OpenGL物件的直接存取。此外,記憶體管理弁鉒鉈灠ㄛ側W進資料流量而產生的資料備份,以大幅提昇效能。
藉由記憶體管理的控制能力,應用程式便可進行調適與動態改變。然而,應用程式開發者將得運用每個物件的使用線索,並和OpenGL聯繫以使應用程式瞭解資料的使用狀態。這就會達到真的「用一次、用很多次、寫一次、非同步連結資料」 - [S1]。他也會提供一個供所有物件使用的單一機制(例如材質、顯示清單、頂角陣列、影像、像素緩衝區和著色器)。材質、顯示清單、頂角陣列記憶體等之間並無什麼區別,這並不會使OpenGL的實做無法取得這些物件的特定儲存區。另外可供選擇的,應用程式還是可以讓OpenGL去管理記憶體;這就是另一個作法 - [S2]。
OpenGL 2.0會採用應用程式掌控的固定作法,一旦資料被載入後,OpenGL便無法進行搬移、複製、封裝或刪除物件的動作。物件會被配置在高效能的繪圖記憶體上,讓應用程式負責儲存或刪除物件、或啟始封裝的運作。新的結構更有效率,如下圖所示。
非同步OpenGL。Open GL加上非同步運算後,OpenGL 2.0將提供更好的平行化和同步化能力。傳統上OpenGL在意的是如何和何處 - 而非何時。長久以來一直需要一個能瞭解並控制事件於何時發生的更好機制。平行化能讓某個事件處理完後,工作能繼續進行。比方說,在等待交換的同時清空色深暫存區。
OpenGL需要一個一般化、統一的非同步化機制,以避免每個延伸指令都要求產生自己的機制。這將會:解決一些短期的問題如平行影像下載;在未來能更加精細的運用時機控制;令應用程式必需遵守時機性;事件發生時的控制能力;以及允雩?曭摟penGL運算進行平行執行。這些長運算可相對於主移交工作「分段執行」,這會是一個替代一個做完才換下一個的好方法 - [S3]。
最後的結果會是OpenGL (2.0)將具有一般化的時間控制能力,有助於增進平行化和運算時機的控制。
Glsync。Glsync是一種新的OpenGL資料類型,可提供統一的同步化機制。它可以視為是一個控制器。現在OpenGL具有配置和釋放記憶體空間的弁遄A但沒有由應用程式所控制的ID記憶體空間。在新的版本中,執行緒可以藉由OpenGL的等待弁遄A在Glsync上稍後處理。繪圖驅動程式可以解除在Glsync上執行緒的等待狀態。Glsync可以運用在相當廣泛的地方像:防護移交;非同步資料連結;事件提示(例如垂直空白訊號);交換完成通知;以及其他現在還沒想到的新東西... 這也提供了一個整合至基礎作業系統同步化原函式的選擇 - [S4] 。
FlushStream。現在的規格資料暫存上允章L多的自由度。清除弁鈳Q濫用且迫使驅動程式得對此做最佳化。真正的清除弁酮O用在當應用程式已經下完移交指令後才做的。暫存的移交工作應該和應用程式在處理其他事項時平行運作,在到Glsync上等待前,必需要確定暫存起來的命令會被加以處理。[S5] - FlushStream解決了這樣的問題。
非同步資料連結。這可在資料複製前提供回傳弁?- [S6],並在資料進行連結時允野D平行處理。執行緒在OpenGL讀資料時可以做其他事。這可以避免記憶內容在OpenGL存取完成前被修改,不過這在可以安全修改記憶內容時需要加以通知。
這次比賽大家都精銳盡出 小t實在快檔不住了@@”有我來墊底嚕 大家安心巴!
這次實在沒啥搞頭 都沒新東西可以測試!
絞盡腦汁搞出下面這些東東 請繼續看下去!
這次照片全部重新拍攝 這樣才不會有亂湊嫌疑 XD
測試標準 Windows XP SP2
1280x1024 32bit
由於測試的卡屬 繪圖卡故不測試3D Mark 連跑都不給跑 太古董拉XD
Nvidia卡皆用ELSA 53.03版本測試
顯卡驅動安裝完畢 重開後無更動設定直接測試
CPU: Intel Tualatin Celeron 1.0G
RAM: KingMax PC-150 256MB
RAM: G.Skill TCCD 512MB*2
主機板:P4C800 Deluxe
電源供應器:鐵甲武士 350W
測試平台3 這…最後才會看到XD
CPU: Mobile Pentium 4 2.8EG ES
RAM: G.Skill TCCD 512MB*2
Power: ZIPPY PSM-6600P 600W
OpenGL 概要
OpenGL - The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics
About OpenGL
The OpenGL Programming Visualization Programming Pipeline
Available Everywhere
Architected for Flexibility and Differentiation: Extensions
API Hierarchy
The Foundation for Advanced APIs
Continued Innovation through Extensions
OpenGL Applications & Games
Most Widely Adopted Graphics Standard
OpenGL is the premier environment for developing portable, interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications. Since its introduction in 1992, OpenGL has become the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), bringing thousands of applications to a wide variety of computer platforms. OpenGL fosters innovation and speeds application development by incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions. Developers can leverage the power of OpenGL across all popular desktop and workstation platforms, ensuring wide application deployment.
High Visual Quality and Performance
Any visual computing application requiring maximum performance-from 3D animation to CAD to visual simulation-can exploit high-quality, high-performance OpenGL capabilities. These capabilities allow developers in diverse markets such as broadcasting, CAD/CAM/CAE, entertainment, medical imaging, and virtual reality to produce and display incredibly compelling 2D and 3D graphics.
Developer-Driven Advantages
Industry standard
An independent consortium, the OpenGL Architecture Review Board, guides the OpenGL specification. With broad industry support, OpenGL is the only truly open, vendor-neutral, multiplatform graphics standard.
OpenGL implementations have been available for more than seven years on a wide variety of platforms. Additions to the specification are well controlled, and proposed updates are announced in time for developers to adopt changes. Backward compatibility requirements ensure that existing applications do not become obsolete.
Reliable and portable
All OpenGL applications produce consistent visual display results on any OpenGL API-compliant hardware, regardless of operating system or windowing system.
Because of its thorough and forward-looking design, OpenGL allows new hardware innovations to be accessible through the API via the OpenGL extension mechanism. In this way, innovations appear in the API in a timely fashion, letting application developers and hardware vendors incorporate new features into their normal product release cycles.
OpenGL API-based applications can run on systems ranging from consumer electronics to PCs, workstations, and supercomputers. As a result, applications can scale to any class of machine that the developer chooses to target.
Easy to use
OpenGL is well structured with an intuitive design and logical commands. Efficient OpenGL routines typically result in applications with fewer lines of code than those that make up programs generated using other graphics libraries or packages. In addition, OpenGL drivers encapsulate information about the underlying hardware, freeing the application developer from having to design for specific hardware features.
Numerous books have been published about OpenGL, and a great deal of sample code is readily available, making information about OpenGL inexpensive and easy to obtain.
The OpenGL Visualization Programming Pipeline
The OpenGL Visualization Programming Pipeline
OpenGL operates on image data as well as geometric primitives.
Simplifies Software Development, Speeds Time-to-Market
OpenGL routines simplify the development of graphics software—from rendering a simple geometric point, line, or filled polygon to the creation of the most complex lighted and texture-mapped NURBS curved surface. OpenGL gives software developers access to geometric and image primitives, display lists, modeling transformations, lighting and texturing, anti-aliasing, blending, and many other features.
Every conforming OpenGL implementation includes the full complement of OpenGL functions. The well-specified OpenGL standard has language bindings for C, C++, Fortran, Ada, and Java. All licensed OpenGL implementations come from a single specification and language binding document and are required to pass a set of conformance tests. Applications utilizing OpenGL functions are easily portable across a wide array of platforms for maximized programmer productivity and shorter time-to-market.
All elements of the OpenGL state—even the contents of the texture memory and the frame buffer—can be obtained by an OpenGL application. OpenGL also supports visualization applications with 2D images treated as types of primitives that can be manipulated just like 3D geometric objects. As shown in the OpenGL visualization programming pipeline diagram above, images and vertices defining geometric primitives are passed through the OpenGL pipeline to the frame buffer.
Available Everywhere
Supported on all UNIX® workstations, and shipped standard with every Windows 95/98/2000/NT and MacOS PC, no other graphics API operates on a wider range of hardware platforms and software environments. OpenGL runs on every major operating system including Mac OS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows 95/98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Linux, OPENStep, and BeOS; it also works with every major windowing system, including Win32, MacOS, Presentation Manager, and X-Window System. OpenGL is callable from Ada, C, C++, Fortran, Python, Perl and Java and offers complete independence from network protocols and topologies.
Architected for Flexibility and Differentiation: Extensions
Although the OpenGL specification defines a particular graphics processing pipeline, platform vendors have the freedom to tailor a particular OpenGL implementation to meet unique system cost and performance objectives. Individual calls can be executed on dedicated hardware, run as software routines on the standard system CPU, or implemented as a combination of both dedicated hardware and software routines. This implementation flexibility means that OpenGL hardware acceleration can range from simple rendering to full geometry and is widely available on everything from low-cost PCs to high-end workstations and supercomputers. Application developers are assured consistent display results regardless of the platform implementation of the OpenGL environment.
Using the OpenGL extension mechanism, hardware developers can differentiate their products by developing extensions that allow software developers to access additional performance and technological innovations.
Many OpenGL extensions, as well as extensions to related APIs like GLU, GLX, and WGL, have been defined by vendors and groups of vendors. The OpenGL Extension Registry is maintained by SGI and contains specifications for all known extensions, written as modifications to the appropriate specification documents. The registry also defines naming conventions, guidelines for creating new extensions and writing suitable extension specifications, and other related documentation.
API Hierarchy
OpenGL applications use the window system’s window, input, and event mechanism
GLU supports quadrics, NURBS, complex polygons, matrix utilities, and more
This diagram demonstrates the relationship between OpenGL GLU and windowing APIs
The Foundation for Advanced APIs
Leading software developers use OpenGL, with its robust rendering libraries, as the 2D/3D graphics foundation for higher-level APIs. Developers leverage the capabilities of OpenGL to deliver highly differentiated, yet widely supported vertical market solutions. For example, Open Inventor provides a cross-platform user interface and flexible scene graph that makes it easy to create OpenGL applications. IRIS Performer leverages OpenGL functionality and delivers additional features tailored for the demanding high frame rate markets such as visual simulation and virtual sets. OpenGL Optimizer is a toolkit for real-time interaction, modification, and rendering of complex surface-based models such as those found in CAD/CAM and special effects creation. OpenGL Volumizer is a high-level immediate mode volume rendering API for the energy, medical and sciences markets. OpenGL Shader provides a common interface to support realistic visual effects, bump mapping, multiple textures, environment maps, volume shading and an unlimited array of new effects using hardware acceleration on standard OpenGL graphics cards.
The OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB), an independent consortium formed in 1992, governs the OpenGL specification. Composed of members from many of the industry's leading graphics vendors, the ARB defines conformance tests and approves OpenGL enhancements. See the ARB page for more information.
The OpenGL Performance Characterization Committee, another independent organization, creates and maintains OpenGL benchmarks and publishes the results of those benchmarks on its Web site:
Continued Innovation
The OpenGL standard is constantly evolving. Formal revisions occur at periodic intervals, and extensions allowing application developers to access the latest hardware advances through OpenGL are continuously being developed. As extensions become widely accepted, they are considered for inclusion into the core OpenGL standard. This process allows OpenGL to evolve in a controlled yet innovative manner.
ARB-approved OpenGL specifications and source code are available to licensed hardware platform vendors. End users, independent software vendors, and others writing code based on the OpenGL API are free from licensing requirements. See SGI's Licensing web site for more information.
OpenGL Applications & Games
OpenGL is the pervasive standard for 3D consumer and professional applications across all major OS platforms. A partial list for Window, Linux and MacOS are available at the following links.
Windows Applications
Linux Applications
Mac Applications
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OpenGL 2.0 - 為了解救可程式化繪圖而推出
可程式化能力是OpenGL 2.0裡的一個關鍵字,這表示它是設計供應用程式存取運用。為使其符合大部分應用程式與使用者的標準,繪圖可程式化能力是透過一種被CPU類型所採用的可程式化能力、類似高階程式語言的方式加進來的。他將提供一個豐富的弁銃陛B獨立於硬體(正如一個標準所應該有的特性),並專為在OpenGL架構下使用所設計。
這個新API將有助於弁鄋獐郱リい羹W進效能,以及現有弁鄋獐郱リヾC大多數選用的OpenGL 1.3影像子集在OpenGL 2.0裡都是必備的,而且釵h延伸指令都將和標準的OpenGL搭配運作,這將可完全釋放出硬體的效能。這將可在與繪圖子系統間的往返傳輸上,獲得極佳的效能,並使CPU與繪圖處理間更加平行化。這個新的API看起來就像下圖所示:
這個新API將有助於弁鄋獐郱リい羹W進效能,以及現有弁鄋獐郱リヾC大多數選用的OpenGL 1.3影像子集在OpenGL 2.0裡都是必備的,而且釵h延伸指令都將和標準的OpenGL搭配運作,這將可完全釋放出硬體的效能。這將可在與繪圖子系統間的往返傳輸上,獲得極佳的效能,並使CPU與繪圖處理間更加平行化。這個新的API看起來就像下圖所示:
陰影語言。一種獨立於硬體之外的OpenGL 2.0陰影語言,與OpenGL 1.3有緊密的整合。現有的狀態機又增加了可程式化單元,將可增設OpenGL 1.3固定式的替代弁遄C新的著色器可自動紀錄現有的OpenGL狀態(例如進行一個簡單的光源轉換而無須覆寫參數管理)。它以C為架構,加上容易理解的向量和矩陣類別,並也將整合一些Renderman弁遄C這套語言會虛擬資源管線,因此對大多數的程式設計師來說便不用去考慮資源管理。將來也會有相同形式、供頂角著色器與區段著色器之用的語言,並加上一些特別內建的弁鄔M資料限定器。
區段處理器。其弁酮飢鷜閬s取、內插器與像素運算彈性。Open GL 2.0增加了區段 處理器能力,將取代下列弁遄G內插值頂角資料運算;像素縮放;材質存取、縮放和偏向;材質應用;色表查找;霧化;旋繞;以及OpenGL管線中的色彩矩陣部分。然而區段著色器並沒有取代下列弁遄GOpenGL的陰影模型;直方圖;覆賓蛂F極值;像素所有權測試;像素封裝和解封裝;剪裁;點刻;alpha測試;深度測試;模印測試;alpha混色;邏輯運算;顫色;或平面遮罩。
OpenGL現有的「像素傳輸」運算是由區段處理器所支援,而非封裝/解封裝處理器。區段處理器具有縮放、偏向、查找、旋繞等所需的能力。此外由於ARB並不要求多餘的硬體能力,封裝/解封裝處理器因而便無需具備其他可程式化單元所搭載的浮點運算能力。主要的運算能力為偏移、遮罩以及轉換為/自浮點數 - 那些和像素資料的應用對OpenGL轉換有關的弁遄C在封裝解封裝處理器中運作的程式必需和目前的區段著色器相容,並和區段處理器搭配運作以實做OpenGL像素管線。
OpenGL 2.0將提供更好的記憶體管理,並提供應用程式對資料移動的控制能力,提供更好的頂角處理能力、將資料抓進OpenGL的更有效方法,OpenGL物件的直接存取。此外,記憶體管理弁鉒鉈灠ㄛ側W進資料流量而產生的資料備份,以大幅提昇效能。
藉由記憶體管理的控制能力,應用程式便可進行調適與動態改變。然而,應用程式開發者將得運用每個物件的使用線索,並和OpenGL聯繫以使應用程式瞭解資料的使用狀態。這就會達到真的「用一次、用很多次、寫一次、非同步連結資料」 - [S1]。他也會提供一個供所有物件使用的單一機制(例如材質、顯示清單、頂角陣列、影像、像素緩衝區和著色器)。材質、顯示清單、頂角陣列記憶體等之間並無什麼區別,這並不會使OpenGL的實做無法取得這些物件的特定儲存區。另外可供選擇的,應用程式還是可以讓OpenGL去管理記憶體;這就是另一個作法 - [S2]。
OpenGL 2.0會採用應用程式掌控的固定作法,一旦資料被載入後,OpenGL便無法進行搬移、複製、封裝或刪除物件的動作。物件會被配置在高效能的繪圖記憶體上,讓應用程式負責儲存或刪除物件、或啟始封裝的運作。新的結構更有效率,如下圖所示。
非同步OpenGL。Open GL加上非同步運算後,OpenGL 2.0將提供更好的平行化和同步化能力。傳統上OpenGL在意的是如何和何處 - 而非何時。長久以來一直需要一個能瞭解並控制事件於何時發生的更好機制。平行化能讓某個事件處理完後,工作能繼續進行。比方說,在等待交換的同時清空色深暫存區。
OpenGL需要一個一般化、統一的非同步化機制,以避免每個延伸指令都要求產生自己的機制。這將會:解決一些短期的問題如平行影像下載;在未來能更加精細的運用時機控制;令應用程式必需遵守時機性;事件發生時的控制能力;以及允雩?曭摟penGL運算進行平行執行。這些長運算可相對於主移交工作「分段執行」,這會是一個替代一個做完才換下一個的好方法 - [S3]。
最後的結果會是OpenGL (2.0)將具有一般化的時間控制能力,有助於增進平行化和運算時機的控制。
Glsync。Glsync是一種新的OpenGL資料類型,可提供統一的同步化機制。它可以視為是一個控制器。現在OpenGL具有配置和釋放記憶體空間的弁遄A但沒有由應用程式所控制的ID記憶體空間。在新的版本中,執行緒可以藉由OpenGL的等待弁遄A在Glsync上稍後處理。繪圖驅動程式可以解除在Glsync上執行緒的等待狀態。Glsync可以運用在相當廣泛的地方像:防護移交;非同步資料連結;事件提示(例如垂直空白訊號);交換完成通知;以及其他現在還沒想到的新東西... 這也提供了一個整合至基礎作業系統同步化原函式的選擇 - [S4] 。
FlushStream。現在的規格資料暫存上允章L多的自由度。清除弁鈳Q濫用且迫使驅動程式得對此做最佳化。真正的清除弁酮O用在當應用程式已經下完移交指令後才做的。暫存的移交工作應該和應用程式在處理其他事項時平行運作,在到Glsync上等待前,必需要確定暫存起來的命令會被加以處理。[S5] - FlushStream解決了這樣的問題。
非同步資料連結。這可在資料複製前提供回傳弁?- [S6],並在資料進行連結時允野D平行處理。執行緒在OpenGL讀資料時可以做其他事。這可以避免記憶內容在OpenGL存取完成前被修改,不過這在可以安全修改記憶內容時需要加以通知。