感謝分享 試試稠
B Bystander6 初級會員 已加入 5/30/10 訊息 4 互動分數 0 點數 1 6/4/10 #542 Give it a try to see if it works. I am very slow in typing Chinese. Hopefully I can use this software to type Chinese faster. Thanks for sharing.
Give it a try to see if it works. I am very slow in typing Chinese. Hopefully I can use this software to type Chinese faster. Thanks for sharing.
L lineage827 初級會員 已加入 6/9/10 訊息 6 互動分數 0 點數 0 年齡 39 6/11/10 #548 之前有用7.0的試用版 不過到六月三十就到期了 還好這邊有看到大大的分享 感謝啦 ~