

測試:《鬼泣4》PS3版讀盤1秒 XBOX360版讀盤10秒

 來自國外網站的最新消息,已拿到《鬼泣4》完整版的媒體試玩過後發現,安裝過後的PS3版《鬼泣4》切換場景的時間大約為0.5-1秒之間,由於XBOX 360不支持遊戲硬盤安裝,所以切換場景在5-10秒左右。





For those of you asking me if there are any noticeable differences or trade-offs between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of DMC4, you'll be glad to know (or not) that there aren't any. OK, if you were to turn on both versions and just let the demo trailer run automatically, you'll find that the PS3 version is sharper, thanks undoubtedly to using the Blu-ray format over the DVD format, even if both games run in 720p, but once you start the actual game they're identical.

I'll leave the in-depth visual analysis for some upcoming coverage we have planned for DMC4, but a couple other points: Xbox 360 controls feel really good, especially since every 360 controller has the force-feedback. If you've imported a Dual Shock 3 from Japan you're all set, but if you're one of the many without a DS3 you'll be missing out a little. The PS3 has not-that-noticeably shorter load times between screens, but that's like 2 seconds versus the Xbox 360's 3 second loads. Seriously, count out 3 seconds. The PS3, however, forces you to install the game on your harddrive, a not insignificant process. I don't know why you're made to do this







5~10秒的這邊有看到 下面還有IGN具名

Q: "installing features for DMC4--- are you guys using it? and does it improve load times?"

A: "Yes, you have to (install it on the hard drive), or at least (for) the preview version that we had, you have to because it's the only way you can actually play the game. Now, the plus of that is that it practically eliminates the most of the load times. It is almost seamless. You maybe get that "Now Loading" screen for half a second to a second, then you are right back in the action. Especially, if you compare it to the 360 preview version that we have in the office, that's about 5 to 10 seconds depending on the level. It is significant, and because 360 doesn't have an install option, the ps3 one, (which is) obviously the lead platform, (has) the huge, huge advantage when it comes to that."

ign, JoyinUS

中間還有講很多 大家有興趣的可以去看


Visuals: 99.9% identical in almost every aspect including framerate performance. A few sites have already done comparison videos coming to the same conclusion. The differences between the 2 versions in terms of visuals is only in terms of how each console handles contrast.

Comparison can be seen here on Gametrailers

Note: The above video contains numerous compression artifacts so is not a 100% judge.

Audio: While both versions of DMC4 support 5.1 surround sound, the PS3 version because of the extra Blu-Ray capacity also supported 5.1 LPCM. This is lossless, uncompressed audio which would probably mean slightly better audio on the PS3 provided the right audio equipment is in place.

Achievements/Online Content: Both versions of DMC4 will include online content but will center mostly around Leaderboards judged on the number of Stylish Points players rack up in particular levels or scenarios. There is NO ONLINE PLAY planned for DMC4, any such addition to DMC4 would be a surprise but it's highly unlikely.

DMC4 360 Achievements have already been released although most of them are Secret Achievements. 90% of them can easily be figured out using common sense though as they are named a certain way (IE. Skill Collector (Dante) Achievement merely means to obtain all the moveset of Dante).

DMC4 PS3 version has achievements as well and it’s integrated into the PS3. It’s hard to believe yes but it’s there and here’s visual proof:

Controls: While the issue of controls are always based on player to player bases, it is a general concensus that due to the nature of the way DMC4 is played with the aid of the shoulder button primed at the placement of the index finger. This suggests that the controller best suited for DMC4's combat game play is the Playstation standard Dual Shock controller or SIXAXIS for the PS3.

The 360 controls are fairly solid, in fact DMC4 will have the option for 100% CUSTOMIZABLE controls so it's not that big of a deal but if a definitive winner of controls has to be named between the two then objectively the best controller for DMC4 between the two is the PS3 one.

Performance: Most specifically this deals with Load times as performance wise both versions are identical.

The PS3 version of DMC4 has a HDD install feature, which at a storage requirement of 4.9 GB and a 21 minutes install time gives the player NON-EXISTANT load times. You are able to go from large open environments to ornate indoor environments in literally a blink of an eye. This feature is non-optional.

During this HDD Install, you will have a chance to view a 20 minute long narrative/cutscene exposition on the story of DMC. This is a compilation of important cutscenes from the previous games and will help in setting up the story of DMC4. This video is not available on the 360 in any shape or form, not even in the console bundle. (360版少了這個20分鐘的影片(少說也會有個500MB左右)

The normal load times for DMC4 are never longer than 5 seconds and that is on the PS3 version. The 360 version will load slightly faster due to having a faster disc reader but it will never has loadless times like the PS3 installed version.

Verdict: If you are one of those lucky gamers who he is bestowed with BOTH a PS3 or a 360 then it is recommended based on the following facts that the PS3 version is the version to get over the 360 version. Due to the issue of legacy controls and no load times the choice becomes exceedingly simple.

However, if you have either a 360 or a PS3 then you would obviously get the game for that console. No need to buy a PS3 just for DMC4 if you already have a 360 or vice versa. Fans of both consoles will be achieving an excellent action experience thanks to the efforts of Capcom.

5) What are the differences between the 360 and PS3 version? What is this HDD install thing?

I listed the differences in a complete manner before so I will write a more concise rundown here:

PS3 Version
Faster load times
Install time comes with 20 minute video of Background story of previous DMC games,
Possibly better controls than 360 version
No word yet on an Achievement equivalent
Supports 5.1 LPCM (lossless uncompressed audio)

No Install feature so no 20 minute Backsground story video
Load times marginally longer than PS3 version

實際上差幾秒我並不知道..(沒玩過) 但是目前IGN得到的訊息只知道PS3是比較快

Online Stylish Points Leaderboards
720P/1080P Upscaling Support
5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound

HDD Install = Transferring a large file of information from the disc on to the harddrive that acts as a swap file when loading is required, which basically negates ALL load times. The HDD Install time for DMC4 is 21 minutes at a required capacity of 4.9 GB. This is an OPTIONAL feature that is only for the PS3 version of DMC4.


有興趣的可以去找 很多雙版本比較
論壇上面滿多人說PS3 幾乎感受不到讀取
老外討論 滿有風度的在討論 ..


X360 (5~10秒)
PS3 (0~1秒)

X360 (3秒以上)
PS3 (大概2秒)

X360 (3~10秒)
PS3 (0~2秒)
