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驅動程式檢測工具 3DP Chip 是一款簡單卻相當實用的檢測系統裝置驅動程式的軟體,輕輕按一下即可為使用者的系統檢測裝置的驅動程式,如果不是最新的,3DP Chip 會自動為您下載更新,而且還會檢測相容程度,以保證您的電腦在安裝系統之後不會藍底白字或者死機。可以幫您建立、查看您的裝置和下載最新的裝置驅動程式。可以檢測裝置,透過網際網路可以找到裝置驅動程式,如:CPU、主機板、顯示卡、音效卡和網路卡,並可以下載裝置的驅動程式,省去尋找驅動程式的時間。
【軟體名稱】:3DP Chip 16.10 中文版 - 檢測、下載驅動程式
【軟體大小】:2.9 MB
【作業系統】:Windows All
3DP Chip enables you to enumerate devices and download the latest device drivers with few simple clicks. Problems with detecting your devices, finding device drivers to setup your system is worse than Blue screen of death. Everest and Aida32 doesn't provies you a device drivers and they are still heavy.
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【軟體名稱】:3DP Chip 16.10 中文版 - 檢測、下載驅動程式
【軟體大小】:2.9 MB
【作業系統】:Windows All
3DP Chip enables you to enumerate devices and download the latest device drivers with few simple clicks. Problems with detecting your devices, finding device drivers to setup your system is worse than Blue screen of death. Everest and Aida32 doesn't provies you a device drivers and they are still heavy.
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