據臺灣媒體滄者極限在5月25日的消息稱,全球首屈一指的高端玩家定製品牌iGame,將於 2015臺北電腦展6月3日發佈iGame“夢工廠Dream builder”平臺戰略計畫,並以“to be yourself(做自己)”為平臺理念,整合硬體(物流)、玩家(人流)、投資 (資金流)、資訊(資訊流)等資源為一體化的創想,打破傳統遊戲軟硬體上重重 屏障,縮短用戶提出需求、生產、購買、使用等繁瑣環節時間,實現從開發工具到 素材、創意提供再到雲端交互,流程打通並完成的過程。
iGame平臺發言人表示,早在20年前DIY以“do it yourself”(自己做)為開端, 今天iGame“夢工廠DreamWorks”平臺計畫將重新回歸初心,從“DIY自己做”到鼓勵每 一個有夢想的人“做自己“to be yourself 發掘每一個玩家展現自我的勇氣, 令其坦率表達自己的想法及個性,這恰恰契合了iGame品牌創立至今一貫傳承的品 牌基因:自我、獨特。
CooLaler(Taipei),May 25th—iGame,the world leading brand for top gamer customization, is going to launch its new DreamWorks platform strategy at COMPUTEX TAIPIE 2015 on June 3nd, taking "to be yourself" as the platform concept with the integration of hardware(products),gamers(users), investiment(capital) and news(information), breaking the barriers in the traditional gaming software and hardware, minimizing the user time in collecting requirements, manufacture, purchanse and application,
and building the whole process from developing tools, materials, creative ideas, and interaction on cloud.