
  1. waiho2k1

    又一片junior,DFI LP JR GF9400 T2RS配上E5200將將好

    really impressive for a mATX board! Sadly it is not available in my place yet....
  2. waiho2k1

    Windows7 佈景主題 (XP用)

    this is very good! Thanks!
  3. waiho2k1

    2009 AMD PHENOMII 940 扭轉乾坤PARTI(簡介)

  4. waiho2k1

    NVIDIA PureVideo..

    wanna try this software for long!
  5. waiho2k1

    Nvidia 8800GT公板散熱改裝-Thermaltake Duorb比較測試

    how much difference in the height if Duorb compared with the original hsf? I wanna install one but I'm afraid that the size would crash with my HR-05 IFX (non-SLI) on my DFI NF4 Venus. Thanks!
  6. waiho2k1

    這樣算低功耗嗎?OPTERON 170

    謝謝;) 但現在已不多人玩AMD 939了:rolleyes:
  7. waiho2k1

    這樣算低功耗嗎?OPTERON 170

  8. waiho2k1

    小超Q6600 G0盒裝

    Glad to see you here mate;face0;
  9. waiho2k1

    thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme 超頻續測 >o<

    I just got one in HK last night, still in the box.... hope that I have time to install it soon!
  10. waiho2k1

    [Graphis特別企劃] Kurumi Morishita 森下

    very good! Thanks!
  11. waiho2k1

    Opteron 170 開測啦 ^^
