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    在執行 Prime95 測試時是不是就.....

    跑prime 95 資源都快吃死了 也很難RUN其他東西吧...就算是開個網頁或資料夾 也很慢..
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    衰... 小弟敗了2支 金士頓 DDR 400 512MB 插在青雲的KX-600的版子上面 跑 prime 95 ... 也是當
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    感謝您的回應...^^ 我同時買了2條 金士頓 DDR 400 512MB 這張主機板有3個dimm 我單條個別都測試過...是都沒問題...但就是插上2條..就有問題 至於為何會知道有問題..我是用prime 95燒機測試的 1.small ffts (maximum FPU stress date fits in l2 cache ram nit tested much) 2.in-place large ffts (maximum heat power consumption some ram tested) 3.blend tests some of...
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    A problem has been detected and widnows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer . if this screen appars again, follow these steps: check to be sure ou have adequate disk space. if a driver is...