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    [強尼好康報]MSI P67A-GD55讓"新歡"珊蒂衝空冷5G還PK"舊愛"愛妻980X?!

    I am encounter with the same problem! It has small "Entering Setup" on the lefthand/most downside of the screen, then stop there.
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    [強尼好康報]MSI P67A-GD55讓"新歡"珊蒂衝空冷5G還PK"舊愛"愛妻980X?!

    Thank Johnny. Very kind of you. Now I can change my Vcore. ViVa DG55 !! -->set at 1.34V MSI BanZai (萬歲) !! -->x49 bootup
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    [強尼好康報]MSI P67A-GD55讓"新歡"珊蒂衝空冷5G還PK"舊愛"愛妻980X?!

    強尼兄: I got a GD55 Last night. Bios ver is 1.40 Can I have your Ver. 1.583? Thanks in advance. ecchen333 yinchun.tang@msa.hinet.net
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    [已售出]E7600 ES

    買了 買了 ecchen333
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    [已售出]再一顆QX6850 ES

    我還要 我還要 謝謝
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    [已售出]QX6850 ES

    收了 請看 pm
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    让我最满意的一次Spi_1m: 3289mhz=13.875sec by K6700es B1

    Found the answer here http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=115425 Please read from postcount#20~22
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    让我最满意的一次Spi_1m: 3289mhz=13.875sec by K6700es B1

    Actually, time is come from 10xFSB365.5. You just cheat yourself
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    上500外頻不再是大便版的專利 , P5B Deluxe一樣可以上FSB 500

    Andre: Could you send me the BetaBios 0505? mizuhiro@ms4.hinet.net Thanks in advance.
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    [簡測]P5B Deluxe ^^

    New Bios is out Bios 0502 is on the ASUS FTP. Now, The FSB can set up to 650.
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    [台北賣] ASUS P5WD2 P (955X) MOD

    Hi, hicookie: Soryy for "PM" trouble, I do not know why. Any way, Call me 0936647182 EC Chen
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    [台北賣] ASUS P5WD2 P (955X) MOD

    Hi, hicookie: I want it. I live in Taipei. Tell me where and when to meet you. EC Chen (sorry my GIG5 system is down)