kenofstephen 最近的內容

  1. kenofstephen

    MSI P55-GD80到底搞了那些鬼!?微星OC秀PART1上場!!

    寫得好傻, 毫無新意 DFI 都可以分享profile了, 還在拿這些舊料來翻炒再翻炒, 快炒焦了...
  2. kenofstephen


    那如果他們每句話都說"很一般", "很一般", 你還會考慮買嗎??
  3. kenofstephen

    hwbot超頻榜網站看到的公告 Onepagebook Lifetime Ban at HWbot

    "I am sure that you are great person in your personal life and you are proving it every day by sharing your great knowledge with the rest of us, though I guess this all competitive thing got into you or maybe you were pushed over the limits by trying to please your sponsors." :PPP:
  4. kenofstephen

    愛妻920跑輸飛龍II 940!!?

    好cool...,置頂,像示眾 ;couch2;
  5. kenofstephen


  6. kenofstephen

    不愧是雙核心之王的Intel E8600 E0,空冷5GHz直開!

    E8600 的確很牛! 我也空冷直開5GHz 了, 用的是x48板子, 但只能勉強進系統, 截張圖;em46; , 沒老大的神雕跑得那麼爽!! :p :MMM: 不過空冷到這樣, 感覺就好像見到如來佛祖一樣, 能夠見一面都很榮幸了...... 4.8GHz Pi (480*10, 5:6) 補上validation圖:
  7. kenofstephen

    [OPB 2008 年度推荐強勢C/P值好版]J&W X48D2 Extreme

    CHIP 還不一樣是X38? 會變X48麼? 這樣只是自欺欺人....
  8. kenofstephen

    [OPB 2008 年度推荐強勢C/P值好版]J&W X48D2 Extreme

    胡說8道, 不懂裝懂. 那是x38 耶.
  9. kenofstephen

    CPU不超,單超780G 3DMark06已是2,200多的光境~~

    用x2 cpu 也可以推高 htt 的;tongue;